Google Ads Update: Learn What’s New This Year

We live in a world where things change every minute. Similarly, when we speak about Google, the world’s best search engine, we are always interested to know what new Google has brought this time. 

Even marketers prefer advertising on Google to catch the audience’s sight and increase traffic for their business. The ad policies on Google keep updating now and then. So, being a professional, you should be aware of the same.

Today, we will discuss the Google ads update of 2022. Let’s begin: 

#1 Upgrade Smart Shopping Campaigns: 

Using the one-click upgrade tool in Google ads, you can upgrade the timeline and process of smart shopping campaigns without hassle. Google strongly recommends that marketers use tools for upgrading their marketing campaigns. Before 2-3 weeks, you will automatically receive a notification to help you upgrade your marketing tactic. 

#2 Text-To-Speech Feature: 

You might have noticed an in-built voice running behind your ads on Google. Audio plays a significant role in leaving your mark on the audience. So, Google ads has developed an update where you can add voices to your YouTube video ads to grab more viewers’ attention. Audio elements are pretty compelling for the audience. 

#3 More Insights: 

Ad Insights

Ad insights help you address the hard work behind your advertising strategies. So, as per Google norms, once you submit your ad campaign, you will be able to see the diagnosed insights for your Google ads. Click on ‘Show All Campaign Diagnostics’, and you will get a list of the following: 

  • Account status
  • Billing status
  • Policy review
  • Conversion tracking
  • Campaign budget
  • Bid strategy budget
  • Campaign status
  • Ad strength

#4 Expanded Hotel Businesses:

After the covid pandemic, the traveling and hotel businesses were stressed because of their affected income. After the Google ads update, the hotel business advertisers, which have hotel center accounts, can now connect their business information with Google. You can also use the Performance Max campaigns to boost your business. 

#5 Privacy Updates: 

Google’s privacy policies require upgradation with time, and Google did the same. The advertising policies cover 4 parts: Prohibited content, prohibited practices, restricted content & features, and editorial & technical rules. Some most significant criteria are:

  • Counterfeit goods
  • Dangerous products & services
  • Enabling dishonest behavior
  • Data collection and use
  • Misrepresentation
  • Default ads treatment
  • Sexual content
  • Ad format requirements, etc.

#6 Google Ads Experiment: 

One of the best updates of Google ads is that users can now test and implement strategies for their businesses. Advertisers can improve their campaign performance. The foremost step is to select an ad campaign and design a custom experiment for the same. Through this, the marketers can make changes as per their experience to advertise more professionally. 

#7 Google Ads Scripts: 

In the upcoming updates of Google ads, we came to know that Google has now come up with Java script codes in the ad account. Through it, you can manage to bid, pauses ad groups, adds keywords, and balance multiple things together. You can even check the scripts for errors and fix them without affecting your output. 

#8 User Generated Images: 

Google ads help the advertisers to leave a positive impact on your audience. In the recent updates, Google announced that the customers should upload user-generated images via customer’s profile to gain the audience’s trust. It will help your audience believe in your products and services and connect with your customers more deeply. 

#9 Lead Ads Extension: 


The business requires generating leads for your business. It gives you more data to know about your audience. Once you click the CTA button on the ad, a lead form comes out automatically. You can simply submit the form from their Google account.

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: How To Search Competitors Google Ads By Keywords, Domains

Wrapping Up: 

We hope our readers are now aware of the Google ads update, and they can implement their best strategies to generate leads for their businesses. 

Bing Ads V/S Google Ads: The Ultimate Difference

Ads are significant and are a must apply technique for promoting your brand and targeting the audience for your business. There is no doubt that every marketer should use the best advertising medium and tactics for their brand. Numerous kinds of online advertising options are available for them. Like:

  • Social Ads
  • SEO Ads
  • Native Ads
  • Mobile Ads
  • Display Ads, etc.

Speaking of SEO ads, these are search engine optimization ads which strictly means hosting ad campaigns on the search engine like Yahoo, Google, Bing, etc. But, today we will specifically understand the difference between Bing Ads vs Google Ads :

What Are Bing Ads?

Bing ads, now known as Microsoft Ads (since 2019), is a service that offers Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising on the search engines like Bing, Yahoo, AOL, and DuckDuckGo platforms. Bing offers different ad styles to the advertisers like:

  • Dynamic Search Ads
  • Multimedia Ads
  • Product Ads
  • Responsive Search Ads

What Are Google Ads?

Google ads is an advertising platform powered by Google. Here, the advertisers prefer to host ads and mention service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. Whenever you hear of paid ads, the only thing you can think of is Google Ads. 

Bing Ads V/s Google Ads:


Even though both are advertising platforms, there is a big difference between the two. Let’s have a quick look at it:

Display URL:

Both Bing & Google display the URLs below the ad headline. But, Bing keeps it bold, and Google does not. 

Description Text: 

Description Text

Earlier, Bing offered just one line for description with a maximum limit of 71 characters, and Google allowed 2 different lines for description with a maximum limit of 35 characters in each line. But, at present, both Google & Bing allow 80 characters in one description field. 


Another Bing Ads vs Google Ads difference is keywords. The best thing is that both Bing and Google offer keyword research tools, broad match, and negative keyword targeting. The only difference is that the actual volume for keywords is lower on Google than on Bing. 

Click-Through Rate:

Every search engine provides financial reporting. But, Bing ads have higher CTRs for shopping and financial services than Google ads. Through it, they receive higher CTRs and higher engagement. 


Bing ads again have a better audience reach than Google ads. The platform is growing quite enormously. Also, the Bing Ads stats are really impressive:

  • Bing has 34% of the search engine market share worldwide.
  • The total searches on the Bing network are 5.4 billion per month.
  • There are more than 136 million unique searchers who prefer the Bing network. 

Also, Bing Ads’ total reach is 63 million searchers, which is nowhere near Google Adwords. 



The advertising budget is $2000 on Google Adwords and $400-$700 on Bing Ads. According to an internet survey, CPC averages $7.99 on Bing Ads and $20.08 on Google Adwords. Also, CPCs are 32.5% lower on Bing PPC than Google. 

Bing Ads V/S Google Ads: Pros & Cons 

Bing Ads: Pros: 

Once you advertise on Bing, you are promoting on Yahoo, AOL, and other sites partnered with it too. Bing is way cheaper than Google, and hosting your ad campaigns on Bing will be cost-effective enough to save and invest your bucks in something more worth it.

Bing Ads: Cons: 

Bing ads are just a step behind Google ads. Everyone is aware of Google, unlike Bing. The additional feature is way more flexible in Google ads than Bing. Bing can help you target an audience for your brand. But you are also missing out on billions of audiences from Google. 

Google Ads: Pros: 

The biggest search engine platform is Google, and advertising on this platform means targeting billions of audiences at a time. Also, the Google Ads average conversion rate is 3.75% than Bing Ads, which is 2.94% only. 

Google Ads: Cons: 

In comparison to Bing ads, Google ads have been much stricter about the ad campaign guidelines. In addition to it, you are missing out on the audiences from Yahoo, AOL, etc. 

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Final Words: 

Well, Bing Ads vs Google Ads was quite an eye-catching topic to discuss with our readers. We hope our readers are now aware of these differences between the two ad types.