Unlock the Power of emojis for Facebook ads: How to Make Your Ads Stand Out

In the digital era, where attention spans are shrinking, advertisers are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture their audience’s attention. Emojis have emerged as a powerful tool in the world of Facebook advertising. This guide will delve into the art and science of using emojis for Facebook ads to help your brand truly stand out.

Understanding the Term FACEBOOK ADS

Before we dive into the emoji magic, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads is a paid advertising platform offered by Facebook that allows businesses and individuals to promote their products, services, or content to a highly targeted audience. Users’ News Feeds, Stories, and the right-hand column of the desktop site may all contain these advertisements.

What Is The Benefit of Emojis for Facebook Ads


Emojis are more than just cute icons; they are a universal language of emotions. In the context of Facebook Ads, emojis can significantly enhance your ad campaigns in several ways:

  • Visual Appeal: Emojis enhance the visual appeal of your Facebook ads by breaking up text blocks. Their colorful and expressive nature draws the viewer’s eye, making the ad more visually appealing and helping it stand out in a cluttered feed.
  • Emotional Connection: Emojis are a universal language of emotions. They enable you to convey feelings and sentiments that resonate with your target audience on a personal level. Whether it’s a smiley face 😊 for positivity or a heart ❤️ for love, emojis facilitate an emotional connection between your brand and the viewer.
  • Increased Engagement: Ads featuring emojis often experience higher engagement rates. Viewers are more likely to like, comment, or share an ad that incorporates emojis, leading to increased interaction and visibility.
  • Simplified Messaging: Emojis simplify complex messages. They serve as visual cues that make information more digestible and relatable, ensuring that your ad’s message is understood quickly and effectively.

Use of Emojis for the Facebook Ad on Your Brand 

The key to using emojis effectively in your Facebook ads spy tool lies in understanding your brand and target audience. Here’s how you can make the most of emojis:

  • Matching Emojis to Brand Tone: When selecting emojis for your Facebook ad, it’s crucial to pick ones that reflect the personality and tone of your brand. For instance, if your brand is fun and youthful, using emojis like 😄 or 🎉 can be a great fit. On the other hand, a more serious brand may prefer emojis like 🤔 or 😎 to maintain a professional tone.
  • Enhancing Creativity: Emojis add a layer of creativity and playfulness to your ad content. They break up text and make your message visually appealing. Incorporating emojis creatively can help your ads stand out and make a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Highlighting Key Points: Emojis are excellent for drawing attention to crucial information or call-to-action buttons in your ads. Placing a relevant emoji next to a “Shop Now” button, for example, can drive more clicks and conversions.
  • A/B Testing: To determine which emojis resonate best with your specific audience, conduct A/B testing. Try different emojis in your ads and analyze engagement metrics to identify which ones lead to better results, such as higher click-through rates or more comments. This data-driven approach ensures you use emojis that connect effectively with your target audience.

How Do We Enhance Brand Engagement by Using Emojis on Facebook

The use of emojis can elevate the brand Facebook cost per engagement in Facebook Ads:

  • Tell a Story: Create a visual narrative by strategically placing emojis that complement your ad’s storyline.
  • Encourage Interaction: Use emojis to encourage users to take action, such as liking, commenting, or clicking through to your website.
  • Emoji-Only Posts: Occasionally, try emoji-only posts to spark curiosity and intrigue among your audience.
  • Emojis in Ad Copy: Incorporate emojis in your ad copy to make it more engaging and digestible.


In conclusion, emojis are a potent tool to unlock the full potential of your Facebook Ads. They not only make your ads visually appealing but also help you connect with your audience on a deeper emotional level. When used thoughtfully and strategically, emojis for Facebook ads can set your brand apart in the crowded world of social media advertising. So, embrace the power of emojis and watch your Facebook Ads shine like never before.

Exploring The Power Of Ads Library Facebook: A Comprehensive Guide

Digital marketing is an ever-changing landscape, and staying ahead of the competition requires the right tools and information. Facebook, being one of the largest social media platforms worldwide, offers advertisers a powerful tool known as the “Ads Library.” This invaluable resource provides transparency and insights into the vast universe of advertisements on the platform. In this article, we will delve deep into what the Ads Library Facebook is, why it matters, and how it can benefit advertisers and researchers alike.

Facebook Ads Library: Do You Know?

The Facebook Ads Library is an online database that Facebook established as part of its efforts to enhance transparency and combat misinformation on its platform. Launched in 2019, this tool offers a comprehensive view of all active and inactive ads on Facebook, Instagram, and even Messenger. It was established primarily in response to concerns regarding political advertising and the need for greater transparency in election campaigns. However, it has evolved to encompass mostly ads beyond the political sphere.

Facebook Ads Library: Key Features

  • Ad Search: Users can search for ads by entering specific keywords, phrases, or the page name or advertiser. This feature makes it easy to find ads related to a particular topic, brand, or campaign.
  • Ad Details: For each ad, the library provides a wealth of information, including the date it was created, the number of impressions it has received, and demographic data about the audience it reached.
  • Ad Creatives: You can view the actual ad creative, including images and copy, to gain insights into the messaging and design strategies advertisers use.
  • Advertiser Insights: The library also provides information about the advertiser, including their page name, the number of ads they run, and the countries where their ads are displayed.

Reasons: Facebook Ads Library Matters

  • Transparency: The Facebook Ads Library promotes transparency by allowing anyone to view the ads being run on the platform. This transparency is crucial for holding advertisers accountable and for ensuring fair and ethical advertising practices.
  • Research: Researchers, journalists, and marketers can use the library to analyze target audience, identify campaign strategies, and track the spread of misinformation or disinformation.
  • Competitive Analysis: Advertisers can use the library to gain insights into their competitors’ and strategies, helping them refine their campaigns.
  • Political Accountability: The library is particularly valuable for monitoring political advertising, enabling voters to better understand the messaging and funding behind political campaigns.

Benefits for Advertisers

  • Inspiration: Advertisers can use the library to find inspiration for their campaigns by studying successful ads in their niche.
  • Benchmarking: It allows advertisers to benchmark their performance against competitors and industry standards.
  • Avoiding Duplication: Advertisers can check if their chosen ad creatives are already in use, preventing duplication and wasted resources.

Benefits For Businesses

The concept of an ad library, like Facebook’s Ads Library, offers several significant benefits for businesses operating in the digital marketing landscape. These benefits are rooted in transparency, competitive intelligence, and responsible advertising practices. Here’s a breakdown of how companies can benefit from an ad library:

  • Transparency and Accountability: Ad libraries promote transparency by making it possible for businesses to see what ads their competitors are running and vice versa. This transparency fosters a level playing field, ensures ethical advertising practices, and helps maintain public trust. Businesses can demonstrate their commitment to transparency by allowing users to view their ads in these libraries.
  • Competitive Analysis: An ad library provides businesses with a valuable tool for competitive analysis. Companies can gain insights into their competitors’ advertising strategies, creative designs, messaging tactics, and the demographics they are targeting. This information allows businesses to fine-tune their marketing campaigns to stay competitive in the market.
  • Inspirational Resource: Ad libraries serve as a source of inspiration. Businesses can explore mostly ad creatives from different industries and adapt successful strategies to their campaigns. It helps firms stay creative and innovative in their marketing efforts.

Wrapping It Up

Facebook’s Ads Library is a powerful tool that offers transparency, research opportunities, and competitive insights for both advertisers and the wider public. It serves as a testament to the importance of transparency in the digital advertising landscape and demonstrates Facebook’s commitment to providing users with a more informative and secure platform. Whether you’re an advertiser looking for inspiration or a researcher tracking online trends, the Ads Library Facebook is a valuable resource that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Best 7 Steps : How To Create Incredible Facebook Carousel Ads

Undoubtedly, the Facebook ad is a terrific way to boost businesses now. And there are quite a variety of options with Facebook advertising as well. However, if you are a starter in Facebook marketing, you don’t have to be a master at everything from the beginning. You can start creating advertisements using simple tools and track the performance by effortless reading reports. 

Also, there are so many Facebook ads formats, such as images, videos, carousel, instant experience, etc. Facebook carousel ads are the best for campaigning. Before going further, let us discuss to know more about carousel ads.

What is a Facebook carousel ad?

It is a single Facebook ad consisting of two or more photos or videos with headlines, links, and CTAs added. Carousel ads are a more informative and engaging form of marketing perspective. You can use this ad not only with Facebook but on Instagram as well. In case you want to add several images or videos in your campaign, instead of creating more than one ad, you can create a single carousel ad.

According to some surveys, carousel ads generate 10x times more traffic on Instagram and Facebook than other sponsored posts. So definitely, it is a unique method for driving business sales. 

Why do companies use carousel ads?

The motivation of companies is to reach their product to those people whose interest is related to their brand product. Accordingly, some sections of the marketing business will benefit from using Facebook carousel ads. Like beauty, fitness, apparel, and retail these zones are highly profitable with carousel ads. 

Companies are using carousel ads in other aspects also. There are many ways, for example:

  • Demonstrate the various features of the services.
  • One-time presentation of several products.
  • You can highlight many rebates.
  • We can show multiple benefits of products.
  • Highlighting reviews or testimonials.

Facebook Carousel Ad Specification:A Quick Overview

Before learning about the steps to creating a Facebook carousel ad, let us discuss some interesting points like the sizes and formats of images and videos used in your campaign.

Specifics when using pictures

Image File Format: JPG or PNG

Image Size: As a minimum 1080px by 1080px

Image at least File Size contains: 30MB

Number of Carousel Cards: minimum 2, and maximum 10

Aspect Ratio: 1:1

Video Size for Carousel Ad on Facebook

Maximum video file size: 4 GB

Maximum video length: 240 minutes

Recommended formats: .mp4 and .mov

Video Ratio: 16:09

How to Create a Carousel Ad on Facebook?

Carousel ads are the best ad format for posting on Facebook marketing. For beginners who want to build carousel ads for their campaign, this article will guide them to know about how they can make ads. Here we will discuss 07 steps to create a Facebook carousel ad. 


Start creating images of your products or you may even create a video about your product. Make sure that your content should be relevant to business, advertisements, products, new product launches, promotions, etc.


Log into the Facebook page account for your company and download the Facebook Ads Manager app. Make sure your profile should be a business account. That will leave a terrific impact on your advertisement for customers. 


By clicking “+ Create” in the center of the screen after logging into your account, you can start constructing your Facebook carousel ad. You can create it with new ideas and creativity. 


Select your marketing goal. It can include website traffic, video views, and page likes. In this section, you may also give your campaign, ad set, and ad a name. You’ll be occupied with the following page once you’ve decided on your marketing goal and given your campaign a name.  



Make a budget for your campaign. A timetable to run continually, now or later, can be created, along with a daily or lifetime budget. Because by budget planning we can collect in-hand reports regarding future investments.  


You can modify Your carousel ad to fit your facebook ad targeting market. There are numerous possibilities from which to pick. 

It will gain more attention towards the creation of your brand product advertisement.


After clicking next, you can reach directly to the advertisements tab, where you can choose the photos, ad wording, and videos you want to use for your Facebook ad carousel. 

Finally, make your campaign public! When you are prepared to schedule your ads and have evaluated your campaign settings and carousel ads, click the ‘Publish’ option.

You can also watch: Poweradspy:How To Search Competitors Facebook Ads By Keywords, Domains, Page

Winding up:-

We advise including carousel advertisements in your ad if you haven’t previously preferred them. Compared to other formats, the Facebook carousel ads format will produce superior results to help the development of your company.

Types Of Facebook Ads Which Every Marketer Should Know!

Advertising on Facebook has been one of the most exclusive steps to spread brand awareness. Marketers found it quite beneficial for their businesses. They can host ads for their brand in different styles and formats to catch the audience’s sight. But, some advertisers are unaware of the Facebook ads and their specifications. So, we are mentioning the same for our readers to spread more knowledge about the same: 

The types of Facebook ads are: 

Image Ads: 

Image ads look just like content and appear in the form of pictures. The users can create an image ad by boosting any existing posts from your Facebook page. The specifications of image ads are: 

  • Recommended image size: Minimum 1200 x 628 (1080 x 1080 for a 1:1 image). No maximum size restrictions
  • Image ratio: 9:16 to 16:9 (for no links), 1.9:1 to 1:1 (for links)
  • Images should not have more than 20% text
  • Image file types: .jpg or .png 
  • Text: 125 characters (for no links)
  • Headline: Maximum 25 characters 
  • Link Description: Maximum 30 characters

Video Ads: 

Video Ads

You can run video ads in Facebook News Feed & Stories. Video ads are more creative and can catch more traffic than image ads. Marketers don’t need to shoot an ad to create video ads. They can add animated GIFs and animations relevant to their brand. The ad dimensions are: 

  • File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 
  • Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only) 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Video captions: Optional but recommended
  • Video sound: Optional but recommended
  • Video duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
  • Headline: 40 characters 
  • Primary text: 125 characters 
  • Maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Minimum width: 120 pixels
  • Minimum height: 120 pixels

Carousel Ads: 


Carousel ad creation requires adding 10 images and videos to highlight your product specifications. You can even use such types of ads to mention the privileges of your brands. The Facebook carousel ad specs are: 

  • Image file type: JPG or PNG 
  • Video file type: MP4, MOV or GIF 
  • Ratio: 1:1 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Primary text: 125 characters 
  • Headline: 40 characters 
  • Description: 20 characters 
  • Landing page URL: Required
  • Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10
  • Image maximum file size: 30 MB
  • Video maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes
  • Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Slideshow Ads: 

Slideshow Ads

One of the most elegant types of Facebook ads is slideshow ads. These ads are quite easy to create as the marketers have to pile up images, short video clips and GIFs to create a slideshow. It can load speedily on the internet even with a slow connection. The dimension to follow are: 

  • Number of images: Between 3 and 10
  • Pixels: 1280 X 720 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 1:1, or 2:3 (automatically crops to 1:1 if each image is a different size)
  • Duration: Maximum 15 seconds.
  • Video File type: MOV or MP4
  • Duration: Up to 15 seconds
  • Audio File types: WAV, MP3, M4A, FLAC and OGG formats

Collection Ads: 

Collection Ads

These ads are Facebook paid ads which are applicable only for mobiles. The advertisers can promote five images and videos, and the viewers can click to buy the specific product or service. The specifications of collection ads require:

  • Image size: 1200 pixels by 628 pixels
  • Image ratio: 1.9:1
  • File type: may be video or photo
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Text: 90 characters

Canvas Ads: 

Canvas Ads

Facebook Canvas ads are also known as instant experience ads. These ads appear on full screen and load 15 times faster than a normal mobile website. The specifications are:

  • Images: Your minimum image size is 400px wide and 150px high, and the maximum is 1080px wide. 
  • Text: You can add up to 500 words in each separate text component.
  • Video: Minimum of 720p, with 1.78:1 aspect ratio (that’s 750px wide by 1334px high) for full screen on mobiles.
  • Video File Type: .mp4 or .mov

Lead Ads: 

Lead ads basically work for mobiles. They are the perfect solution for collecting newsletters, signing up for trial, spreading information about the product, etc. The dimensions for Lead Ads are:

  • Audio File type: JPG or PNG
  • Image size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Primary text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Description: 30 characters
  • Video File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Length: up to 15 seconds
  • Aspect ratio: 4:5 (Video)

You can also watch: How To Find Best Performing Ads On Facebook Using PowerAdSpy

Wrapping Up:

We hope our readers understand the types of Facebook ads the marketers can use to spread brand awareness and generate leads for their business. 

A Beginners Guide To Facebook Lookalike Audiences

With so many people in one place, Facebook presents a huge opportunity for businesses to reach out and connect with potential customers. But unfortunately, it’s not quite as easy as it once was. You and I both know that the reach of organic content is decreasing. 

Effective Facebook targeting increases ad conversions while lowering the cost per conversion—the ultimate measure of an ad’s value.

Facebook Lookalike Audiences allow you to build targeted lists of potential customers who share characteristics with people who already buy from you. FB advertising tools are much more sophisticated in their audience matching. Plus, with Lookalike Audiences, you don’t even have to know what data points you’re trying to match. Facebook will figure that out for you. 

Why are lookalike audiences important?

While you might have a good idea of who your ideal customer is, lookalike audiences dissect your existing followers and user base to find their commonalities. This audience is a way to target a group of new people who will likely be interested in your business because they’re similar to people who have converted for you before. Most importantly, this informed targeting optimizes your media spend and lowers the cost of acquisition in the process. You can target people who are similar to your email list, website visitors, customers, video viewers, Facebook followers, and more.

Lookalike Audiences can easily supplement your existing ads. For the sake of stretching your social media budget, Lookalike Audiences allow you to experiment and target multiple audiences at once without running different campaigns.

Why Set Up A Facebook Lookalike Audience:

The most powerful reason to target a lookalike audience is to find people who are similar to your existing buyers. If you have a customer list, you can upload that list to Facebook and create a custom audience of your buyers. From there, you can create a lookalike audience based on your buyers, which targets people with similar attributes to those who made a purchase.

Depending on how closely you want to match your base audience, you can set up a lookalike audience size that’s anywhere from 1% to 10%, where the 1% includes only those people who most closely match your base audience. You can control the size with a slider that appears when you create the audience. In Facebook Ads Manager, open the Audiences tool and click the Create Audience button.  

Facebook Lookalike Audiences give you a way to reach a cold audience beyond interest or behaviour targeting. For example, say you’re showing targeted ads to warm traffic, such as people on your email list, website visitors, or Facebook fans. Lookalike audiences give you a way to reach cold audiences that are like those warm audiences but much bigger.

They save you a ton of time. If you’ve already gone through the legwork of fine-tuning a Custom Audience, you’ve done the hard part. Lookalike Audiences allow you to squeeze more out of what you’ve already established.

How To Use Facebook Lookalike Audience Tool:

Choose an ideal group

You can choose between page fans, visitors to your website, and customer lists. You’ll need at least 100 people in your customer group for Facebook to create a lookalike audience, but Facebook recommends including more than 100 people. Larger sample size with more data points provides the most accurate picture of your audience, which equates to more efficient spending.

Select audience size

Larger audiences give you more reach but the matching will be less precise. This can be helpful if you’re looking to reach the most people with a broad sweep but are less concerned about how closely they share similarities with your current customers or fans. A smaller lookalike audience is more targeted and more closely aligned to the characteristics of your current customers or fans. 

Target specific demographics

If you want to only reach Facebook users who resemble your current customers you can add those parameters using the drop-down menus of the Power Editor tool. In addition to age and geographic location, you can also add parameters that target a specific gender.

Create your ad

Use power editor to input the text and image for your advertisement. Keep standard Facebook best practices in mind – use engaging language and eye-catching images to draw customers to your posts.

Final Words:

Facebook Lookalike Audiences can help you find your new best customers. When you create a lookalike audience of a custom audience, Facebook finds users who have similar attributes to the people who are in that base custom audience. This will eventually elevation of your business goals. 

6 Top Tips To Leverage Facebook Ad Targeting For Your Brand

Did you know? There are about 1.6 billion people globally connected to a small business on Facebook.

With this in mind, estimate the number of your target audience that you can reach on Facebook through your advertising and marketing. The opportunities on Facebook for your business are limitless. But with the organic reach dying out, you need a boost of another tool, Facebook Ads. 

In this article, let’s look further into the Facebook Ad and Facebook Ad Targeting.

What is Facebook Advertising?

For marketers, it is important to meet prospects where they’re spending time. And because billions of people around the world are connected to a small business on Facebook, it is the right spot. 

Many of your current and potential customers are using the platform, making it an effective place to reach them with your advertisements. Facebook Ad Targeting can help you easily reach your target audience, buyers, and current customers on the platform. The social media site allows you to customize your advertisements to ensure they reach qualified leads.

Now that you understand Facebook ads, let us look at how you can make the best use to target the right audience to boost your business. 

Facebook Ad Targeting Tips

Repurpose your highest-performing content as a Facebook ad.

If you have a few high-performing pieces of content that already attract and convert leads, why not put some paid ad spend behind it?

For instance, you can use a list of top-performing and high-converting content and reformat it into an advertisement for Facebook. But as not every piece of content that performs well organically will perform well as a social ad, you need to be selective and pay attention to metrics like social media views when choosing posts.

Retarget ads to prospects most likely to convert.

With Facebook advertising, you’re able to target prospects who’ve already shown interest in your content, which could be more effective than cold-targeting Facebook users who haven’t shown any interest in your brand.

Retargeting is a really powerful approach, and it works best when used to go after an audience similar to the seed list. Of course, it’s vital to note, you’ll want to retarget ads that align well with your products or services. 

Leverage existing supporters of your business.

It’s often useful to target users who demonstrate their appreciation for your brand by liking your Facebook business Page. Consider how you might convert those users by retargeting ads towards them. 

Ultimately, it’s much less obtrusive to target ads towards people who want to see content from your brand and have demonstrated an interest in your company. Save time and money by targeting your brand’s fans first. Additionally, you can also get creative and try layering on some criteria here. 

Build loyal custom audiences with existing customers. 

Targeting Facebook ads isn’t just effective for attracting new prospects to your business, it’s also a good strategy for retaining and up-selling your existing customers. 

And, considering it’s 5-25X more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one, it makes sense to leverage the customers in your database already rather than only sending ads to brand-new prospects.

Find a similar audience to your top-performing ones.

Once you find an audience that works well, you can now create a lookalike of the same audience. This new audience allows you to expand your reach to new prospects and might even perform better.

When you upload a list of customers to Facebook and create a lookalike, Facebook’s algorithm will target your ads to people most similar to your existing customers. 

Keep an eye out for frequency.

Finally, when targeting your ads, you’ll want to keep an eye on the frequency metric to make sure someone isn’t seeing your ad too often.

If the frequency is too high, you risk hurting your brand perception. On the other hand, it can be beneficial for someone to see your ad more than once to increase your brand awareness. You’ll have to figure out a sweet spot that works best for your company, but aiming for a frequency of 3-4 can be a good place to start. 


To up-sell via Facebook ads, think about your existing customers who might benefit from an additional feature, product, or service that you can offer them. With Facebook ad targeting, you can leverage these users. With all these efforts and the above tips, you can now easily use Facebook ads to gain the best benefits for your brand. 

In 2021, Here Are The Top Five Reasons Why You Should Concentrate On Mobile Marketing.

Marketing through mobile has become a new norm in the era of digital marketing. Smartphones probably are the first thing that everyone sees when waking up and the last thing before going to sleep.

Now you realize the power of marketing through mobile. Smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day life, and constant use of them compelling marketers to adopt marketing through mobile strategies to build a customer base.

The smartphone is a small instrument with a lot of power when spreading the news about a company. According to Statista, there will be 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide by 2021; as a result, whether you want to speak, search the internet or market a product, mobile phones have become increasingly significant.

The widespread availability of the Internet has helped to popularize marketing through mobile. Companies used to spend millions of dollars on television advertising but now they invest extensively in digital marketing services because it is the most popular approach to reach a huge audience.

Marketing through mobile has risen to prominence as the number of smartphone users continues to grow and more people shop online. And that’s what we will tell you about mobile marketing in this article.

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Marketing through mobile is when you use your marketing effort to target mobile users. This marketing technique entails promoting your services and products using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

There are no people who do not have access to a phone or the internet. The majority of time is spent on mobile devices. So, if you want to keep up with the competition, include marketing through mobile in your marketing efforts. The current decade is the mobile era, and it will not be left behind by avoiding it. 

You can reach new audiences and target potential customers who use smartphones with marketing through mobile. Advertisements for mobile users appear on mobile phones and tablets in mobile ad marketing campaigns. You consider mobile adoptions.

What is the Process of Marketing Through Mobile?

Advertisements that show on mobile cell phones, tablets, or other mobile devices are known as marketing through mobile. Because numerous social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and personalized mobile ad alternatives, marketing through mobile ad formats, customization, and styles might vary.

What Are the Benefits of Having Marketing Through Mobile Strategy?

Your company requires a marketing through mobile plan for the same reason that requires a computer and access to the internet – this is the age we live in! You’ll see a lot of people with their faces riveted to their smartphone screens if you walk around any major city. According to recent studies, 40% of internet users spend their time on mobile devices, implying that ignoring the rise of mobile is no longer an option.

Here are some more stats aboutmarketing through mobile that you might find interesting:

  • Apps consume 80% of mobile device time, with game apps accounting for the majority of that time.
  • Tablets used to view 70% more web pages than smartphones.
  • Retail conversion rates on tablets are 2.2 percent, much better than the 0.7 percent on smartphones, but old PC conversion rates remain at 3.3 percent.
  • In 2012, mobile searches climbed by 200 percent year over year.

Types of Marketing Through Mobile Strategies

There are a plethora of marketing through mobile tactics to choose. The type that is effective for your company will be determined by your industry, target audience, and budget.

  • App-based marketing

 It is a type of mobile advertising that involves the use of mobile apps. While apps account for 80% of mobile time spent, you don’t have to create one to participate. Advertisers can use services like Google AdMob to produce mobile advertising that show within third-party mobile apps.

Advertisers can now develop ads embedded within the Facebook mobile app. Users aren’t aware they’re looking at ads since Facebook’s mobile Promoted Post ads blend in so well with the news feed.

  • QR codes

 Read by users, sent to a specific webpage associated with the QR code. QR codes are frequently associated with mobile gamification and have a sense of mystery about them, as consumers scanning them aren’t necessarily sure which rabbit hole they’re entering.

  • Location-based marketing

Advertisements that appear on mobile devices depending on a user’s location relative to a specific area or business are known as location-based mobile ads. Some marketers, for example, may only want their mobile advertising to appear when consumers are within a 1-mile radius of their location.

The Best Mobile Marketing Tools

In the field of marketing, there is no such thing as a constant. Every day, new technologies emerge. To get the most out of your marketing firm, you need to keep up with the latest technologies as a marketer.

PowerAdSpy allows you to make money right away by creating winning ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Native, and GDN advertising.

Time to Wrap It Up;

When it comes to low-budget and high-volume sales,marketing through mobile is unrivaled. You can generate maximum revenue with enhanced ROI if you use the above marketing tactics. I hope this article has given you some insight into mobile marketing.

How To See Sponsored Ads On Facebook And Best Tools To Help You

Have you ever felt that your organic posts on Facebook are not getting much reach? You are not alone in this.

Over the past few years, Facebook has been overcrowded by marketers due to its high reach and potential. And its ever-changing algorithm is making it even harder to provide the most relevant content. It becomes hard for marketers to get their posts in front of the target audience, and thus organic reach is decreasing further. 

But there is a solution to this, sponsored post!

Facebook gives you the option to boost your post, to reach more audiences on the platform. 

In this article, let us go through the basics of sponsored ads, and how we can find them easily. 

What Are Sponsored Ads?

It is a type of promotional post that appears seamlessly in your news feed amongst other posts from your friends and followers.

In simple words, Sponsored ads are the advertisements created with your post on a Facebook page. With the help of sponsored posts, you can help your content reach a larger selected audience. 

By promoting your post, you are just making sure there are high chances of getting a higher reach. It can help you spread brand awareness, get more engagement on posts, and increase your conversion rates.

How to see sponsored ads on Facebook?

Facebook wants to bring more transparency to ads and Pages on its platform, and part of that involves allowing people to access more information about any organization and the ads it runs at any given moment. 

To do so, Facebook is launching a new feature called “Info and Ads” available on every page. Facebook has given an easy answer for how to see sponsored ads on Facebook.

Go to the Facebook page of a competitor or advertiser and click on the left-hand menu section titled ‘Info and ads’.

Depending on the advertiser you’ll be able to sort the results by which country the ads are running in and then scroll down to see all the available ads for that advertiser.

But this method has a major drawback. To view your competitor’s ad you need to visit each page and study them individually


It’s a great resource for any marketer who wants to search ads by keyword, domain, and the advertiser and sort by the newest ad, longest-running ad, and social engagements stats, as well as targeting option and landing page properties, and much more.

The filters are very useful for filtering the search parameters and knowing which are super relevant to your campaign. It additionally provides a detailed breakdown of audience targeting and demographics, which is an essential aspect of running a successful Facebook Ads campaign.


MagicAdz can find uncloaked affiliate ads, cloaked affiliate ads, and suspected cloaked ads with just one click. It helps you uncover ads that are being cloaked in Facebook Ads, so you can find the actual landing page used by the advertiser and analyze their strategy and sales funnel.


AdSector has many standard features you would expect but additionally allows you to filter results by affiliate network and tracking system.

You can filter by interest to give you an understanding of the intent of the ad, and even search page content to uncover eCommerce platforms and sales funnels.

AdPlexity eCommerce

AdPlexity is a tool for the serious marketer who wants to look beyond social search and analyze competitor campaigns across all major sources. This really is a must-have tool for marketers who need to stay ahead of the competition.


SocialAdScout is a tool that offers great targeting options which you will love. There are a ton of filters to apply to your searches, plus detailed targeting options and live creatives you can interact with within the search results pages.

Also watch: Get access to Millions of competitors’ winning Ads from over 100+ countries with PowerAdSpy


To keep up with the growing demands of the market and changing algorithms, it is important to know how to see sponsored ads on Facebook. This will help you curate the best ads for your target audience. Additionally, with the help of an amazing ad research tool, you can get the best out of competitors’ ads on Facebook. 


Facebook has grown out of just being a social platform, it now has many potential benefits for your business. These benefits include that of a website and even more. Combined, these benefits can lead to increased sales and profits for your business. 

But with the increase in the popularity of Facebook among the markets another aspect that grew alongside is competition. With ever-changing algorithms and competitors continuously planning to reach your target audience, organic reach is decreasing drastically.

So how do you approach Facebook marketing to reach your ideal customer and communicate your business ideas in the best way possible?

Now is the time you take a deep dive into the world of Facebook ads. It is a way to connect with your audience on the world’s largest social network of 2.80 billion monthly active users. Facebook ads are all about getting your message in front of your target audience among this huge number. Or specifically, the people who are most likely to want your products or services.

If you want to get the best results, it’s important to understand the different Facebook ads you can use for your business. Let’s begin!

Types of Facebook ads

Image ads

It is a great way to get started with Facebook paid advertising. You can create one with just a few clicks by boosting an existing post with an image from your Facebook Page.

Video ads

Video ads can run in the News Feed and Stories, or in-stream ads in longer Facebook videos. Video ads can show your team or your product in action, as a quick demo video.

Poll ads

This Facebook ad format incorporates an interactive component by adding a two-option poll to an image or video ad. It is only mobile-friendly. You can add separate links for each poll choice.

Carousel ads

A carousel ad is similar to an image ad, but it can use up to 10 images or videos to showcase your product or service. You can use this format to highlight the different benefits of one product, several different products, etc.

Slideshow ads

Slideshow ads offer an easy way to create short video ads from a collection of still photos, text, or existing video clips.

Slideshow ads help create eye-catching short video ads from a collection of still photos, text, or existing video clips. They ate an easy, low-impact way to draw attention.

Messenger ads

When creating your ad, you can choose Messenger as the desired placement to advertise on Facebook messenger. You can also run “click-to-Messenger” ads in the Facebook feed. These ads emphasize a call-to-action button that initiates a Messenger chat with your Page directly.

Stories ads

Mobile phones are meant to be held vertically. Facebook Story ads are a mobile-only full-screen vertical video format that allows you to maximize screen real estate without expecting viewers to turn their screen.

Tips For Running Facebook Ads

Use the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is a small piece of code that allows you to track conversions, remarketing to people who have viewed a product on your site, and create lookalike audiences. This code placed on your website can have a big impact on your Facebook ad campaigns. 

Find Ad Frequency To Suit Your Requirement

Because it’s rare for a new prospect to take action the first time they see an ad for a product they’ve never heard of, or to remember a brand name after hearing it just once. You need to test the ad frequency. 

Facebook IQ research shows that while there is no optimal number of exposures for every ad, more exposures do seem to lead to higher purchase intent.

Test Out New Ideas For Your Audience

Every time you try something new it’s important not to make assumptions about what will work and what won’t. Try out everything to see what will work in your Facebook ads. , You should also test it against your previous ads to see whether there are improvements to the metrics that matter most to you. 

Track and optimize performance

Closely monitor how your campaigns perform in the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard and choose to spend on best-performing ads. 

Once you’ve determined what works best after trial and error, use the winning ad as your primary campaign.

Use An Ad Research Tool Like Poweradspy

With an ad spy tool, you can keep an eye on the top competitors in your niche and study their strategies to keep ahead of them. You have the full control to research through as many ads you like, analyse which ads perform well in your niche to best conversions. 

Also watch: Get access to Millions of competitors’ winning Ads from over 100+ countries with PowerAdSpy

Concluding Words:

So here was a run-through of everything you need to know, from planning your first ad to developing advanced campaign strategies. While there are certainly a lot of details to keep straight when planning a paid Facebook ad, you mustn’t lose sight of the big picture. With a tool like Poweradspy, you can get the best out of your Facebook ads. It will help you gain a better perspective on the market and your ideal customer. 

Take Your Advertising To The Next Level Using Facebook Ad Tools.


It can be exhausting to run Facebook ads. We understand- there’s a lot to keep track of and so much to manage. That’s why we love Facebook Ad tools because they make our jobs so much easier.

There has been a flood of Facebook ad tools over the last decade that claim to do everything from help you create beautiful images to automate ad optimization. In this article, I will share some of the best Facebook ad tools, all of which can help you save time and improve the quality of your ads at the same time.

Tools for Facebook Ads



It is one of the most dominant ad intelligence tools available, and will assist you in optimizing your advertising campaigns. It takes away all of the hassles of content creation and identifies lucrative campaign targets for you.

Features Of PowerAdSpy

  1. You can look for as many ads as you want and analyze them to see which ones work best for your niche.
  2. You can check real-time engagement by visiting live ad posts directly from the platform.
  3. With millions of ads from 15+ countries, it has the fastest-growing data. With PowerAdSpy, getting the most recent ads takes only a few seconds.
  4. To avoid being confused by so many ads, you can filter them according to your needs. It’s a dominant algorithm that assists you in finding ads based on your keywords.

So, before moving further, we are sharing an effective video for Millions of competitors’ winning Ads by using Poweradspy. 

To watch the video, click here:


We may influence, but we believe AdEspresso is also among the best ad creation and automation software available, with powerful optimization features that will help you quickly improve the performance of your campaigns. You can choose from multiple ad formats and split test headlines and ad texts on a single ad campaign, as well as variables like audience targeting criteria when creating your campaigns. As you run these tests, AdEspresso will keep track of your campaign and determine which factors result in the winning combination.

3.Hootsuite Ads:

Hootsuite’s organic Facebook marketing tool is probably already familiar to you, but did you know they also have a Facebook ad tool?

Hootsuite Ads, like AdEspresso, allows you to run PPC campaigns on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

Ad creation is easy and quick, allowing you to test hundreds of ads in a matter of minutes. Despite the ability to scale, you retain complete control over all aspects of your campaign, including audience, placement, and budget.

4.Facebook Ads Manager 

We can not talk about automation tools without mentioning Facebooks native ad network, which you can get for free here.

While it definitely does not have the bells and whistles that third-party tools like Hootsuite and AdEspresso do, it is a great free tool for businesses ready to create their ad campaigns.

They have expanded the platform significantly over the past few years, now offering the following:

  • Native split tests (though not at the scale of third-party tools)
  • Campaign budget optimization
  • Customizable bid strategies
  • A strong Facebook ad preview tool to see what your ads will look like in each placement

Facebook Ads Design Tools 

You don’t just have to worry about creating, managing, and optimizing ads. When trying to scale your Facebook ad campaigns, image creation takes up a significant amount of time. Check out these three Facebook ad design tools to speed up the process and create eye-catching graphics.


Canva is currently the most popular graphic design tool on the market. It’s a fantastic tool, especially for marketers and creators who aren’t designers. They have many customizable templates that you can use to create strong images for your campaigns to get you started. You should limit your text to no more than 20% of your photo, and you can add product images, brand logos, and other elements to the photo. Canva also has an easy-to-use video editing tools library of video clips to use in your campaigns. Music added, and video ads created for both in-feed and Story campaigns. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, this is nice place to start.


Crello is a competitor to Canva that combines image and video creation in a single tool intended for non-professional designers. It is, without a doubt, my favorite Facebook ad design tool for making Instagram story videos. It has excellent video and visual editing capabilities, including the ability to layer simple animations onto still images and add music if desired. With this tool, you can create any story you want, especially because the interface is so simple to use. It doesn’t hurt that the templates are all excellent.


Their interface is simple to use, and they have a library of click-optimized templates for various social media posts. As a result, they’re an excellent choice for creating visuals for Facebook Ads. Snappa, like the other tools on this list, uses drag-and-drop technology to let you fully customize any of their templates or start from scratch. You can use their extensive library of free-for-commercial-use images to layer images, add graphic elements, and access their library of free-for-commercial-use images. Snappa, like the other tools on this list, uses drag-and-drop technology to let you fully customize any of their templates or start from scratch. You can use their extensive library of free-for-commercial-use images to layer images, add graphic elements, and access their library of free-for-commercial-use images.

Time to wrap it up:

We’ll be the first to admit that creating and managing Facebook Ads isn’t always simple, but the right tools and strategies can make all the difference. Everything becomes a lot easier when you can streamline the ad creation and management process while achieving better-than-ever results. It allows you to concentrate more on the overall strategy rather than the minor details, which will benefit your campaigns in the long run.I hope this article has helped you a lot regarding Facebook ads tools.