Best Social Media Ads: 04 Magnificent Techniques To Enhance Your Business

The best way to reach your consumers and followers is through advertising. As everyone knows, we live in the 21st century and can easily carry out advertising tasks. You can capture the interest of your target audience with so many different types of advertisements within a short duration. 

Ergo, let me ask you some questions – how do you think about advertisements? Does it support you in achieving all of your goals? 

I know the answers to the above questions might be dissimilar from your perspective. And you might be searching for the exact answers. Therefore, this article helps you acquire various ideas linked to the  Best social media ads for your business.

So let’s get going.

What Are Exactly Ads For Social Media?

It is a form of digital marketing that involves sending sponsored advertisements to your target audience through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. 

Best ads on social media are a quick and efficient approach to reaching your target audience and expanding your marketing initiatives effectively and efficiently.

Apart from them, there is the best social media ads example by which you can easily analyze your marketing strategies quickly.

Picture Ads:-

One of the most popular categories of ads is image ads. Marketers can reach their target audience effectively through these specific social media ads. Image advertisement contains. 

Attractive pictures, best color combination with numerous design elements. This type of ad usually grabs the attention of all your target audiences.

Video Ads:- 


A video ad is a good tactic for reaching your target audience quickly. Additionally, it works well for delivering a tonne of information quickly. 

Rather than reading an image advertisement, many people prefer to watch video ads before buying any product. It is a plus point for video advertisement.  

Carousel ads:-

Carousel advertisements are a great way to display a variety of goods and improving your Social Media Advertising. Your audience can browse a combination of products on your slides and make selections based on their preferences. Alternatively, you can use a single, large image on several cards.

So these are the top 3 examples that anyone can apply while creating ads for your company.

Social Media Campaign Ideas

Social Media Campaign

A social media campaign is a planned marketing activity that uses one or more social media channels to support to reach a company its objective. 

Compared to regular social media initiatives, campaigns are more focused, targeted, and measurable. Campaigns can also attract new consumers in addition to grabbing the attention of current ones.

04 Magnificent Techniques

Set goals for your social media ads:-

Setting goals for social media advertising is the perfect way to reach your organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Many marketers set goals to make huge sales by publishing their ads on various social media platforms. It is the  Best social media ads trick to reach your organizational goals.

Determine your target audience:-

Identifying your target audience is the primary thing that every marketer does. Your target audience plays an essential role in boosting your business.

Further, after finding your target consumers, start displaying the product ads according to your target consumer’s tastes and preferences. It will support you to grab their attention quickly.

Pick the right platform:-

Right Platform

Selecting the right social media platform are also significant. You need to do some research about which social media platform is trending nowadays in order to pick the correct medium. And also, this is the best technique that every marketer follows. 

Use high-quality visuals:-

Many individuals prefer to use visual graphics like images & short videos will support the marketers to boost their sales within a short period of time. Using pictures is a great tactic to get the attention of your target consumers and new consumers also.

Best Social Media Ads Strategy

What is the best social media strategy for ads? It is the most obvious question asked by every marketer. And the answer is to create an effective page for your business organization. 

Because if consumers want to buy something from your company, they first check out your social media page to see the product’s posts, reviews, and followers. As a result, good social media pages and product reviews are essential.

You can also watch: How to Search Competitor’s Google Ads By Keywords, Domains 


Hence, the best social media ads will help marketers to achieve their desired goals effectively and efficiently. So, this is it, for now. I hope readers have learned something new. Thanks for reading.

How to Create Winning Social Media Strategies in 7 Simple Steps

Social media is an important part of marketing. With at least two-thirds of internet users using social media, it’s an effective tool for businesses to contact their target audience.

Since its origin, companies have used social media primarily to improve awareness, followed by increasing traffic and lead creation. Though most businesses recognize the importance of social media content, it may be daunting, and you may be unclear where to begin. Use the Social media strategies below to develop your approach. 

7 Step Social Media Marketing Strategy for Businesses in 2022:

Select Relevant and Realistic Social Media Marketing Goals

One of the major issues that many businesses have while running a social media campaign is that they have never taken the time to develop relevant and achievable social media marketing goals. They know they should be on social media, but they have no clue why. Of course, your social media marketing strategy must be integrated into your overall business strategy. Ideally, you will have established strategic goals for how you want your company to grow. Your social media marketing objectives should complement your overall business objectives.

Determine Your Most Relevant Metrics

Too many businesses develop a social presence and devote time and other resources to managing their social accounts without ever determining whether or not they are successful. Unfortunately, social analytics may be a minefield because they are not the same for every company. Once again, your most important social indicators will be related to the objectives you’ve established for yourself. To assist you, The Influencer Marketing Hub has published a free e-book titled How to Measure Influencer Marketing ROI.

Decide Who You Want as Your Social Media Audience

One of the most common misconceptions organizations make on social media is assuming that all followers would be beneficial to them. It is pointless to have someone as a follower unless he is likely interested in the stuff you share. In most cases, you want your social media followers to be comparable to your target clients.

Understand Your Social Media Audience

Not every social media audience is the same. Different people use social media in different ways. If you want to achieve your objectives, you must use the same social media networks as your target audience. Similarly, if you wish to engage in influencer marketing, you must select influencers whose audience is similar to your target market according to your social media strategies.

Select the Right Social Media Networks for Your Audience

You only need to identify the appropriate social networks for your company. You want to find out where your target demographic spends their time on social media. You may need to conduct preliminary research to determine where your target audience spends their time. This shouldn’t be too tough, especially if you already know your clientele. If you don’t already know this, you may conduct a poll and ask them for their favorite social accounts.

Investigate How Your Competitors Approach Social Media

Most businesses do not function in isolation. You will almost always have opponents who use a social approach. You’ll need to understand what they’re doing. What is their primary concern? Who are they aiming for? What keywords are they attempting to dominate? You may do a competition analysis fast to have a better understanding of their strengths and flaws. This should help you learn what potential clients anticipate from companies in your field.

Establish the Best Times to Post and Set Up a Content Calendar

While you could make all of your social posts by hand, this is inefficient and may not yield the greatest results. Most social networks now utilize an algorithm to filter the results they provide to users. This implies that if you post while your target audience is not online, they may never see your article.


Creating a social media marketing plan or curating Social media strategies is likely one of the most difficult tasks since it necessitates taking a step back and looking at the broad picture. You must change your focus from everyday duties like scheduling and responding to comments to higher-level thinking. However, having a social media marketing plan ensures that you aren’t simply providing content for the sake of producing material. It will assist you in meeting your social media and commercial objectives. 

11 Digital Advertising Platforms You Need To Start Using Now.

If you are currently working to improve the digital marketing campaigns of your firm you are in the right place.   To get started you need to select an appropriate advertising platform for your business, certainly, you don’t want to be trying every platform in the market because that would become overwhelming. So it’s important to narrow down few options and if you are having trouble figuring out which advertising platform to choose, we have got you covered, Here are few options to consider-

1.Google ads 

Google ads definitely come to the top list when it comes to advertising platforms, Google being the largest search engine you can definitely reap the benefit of Google’s reach to help your business grow. Google ads can be expensive but have the potential to generate great results.

There are the following Google Ad formats to choose from –

  • Video ads 
  • Product shopping ads 
  • Search ads 

2.Facebook ads 

Facebook is one of the best advertising platforms because of its large user base, Facebook ads have different formats here are Facebook ad formats to choose from-

  • Native ads
  • full-screen ads
  • Banner ads
  • In-stream video ads
  • Rewarded video ads

3.Instagram Ads

Instagram is owned by Facebook and both Facebook and Instagram’s ad is maintained by Facebook ads platform.  In the past 3 years lots of Instagram stores have opened, people usually buy directly through their Instagram accounts, in this scenario, Instagram ads become crucial because this will give visibility to people making searches.


Twitter is gaining a lot of popularity these days. One of the best features of Twitter is that it easily blends with normal tweets. Promoted ads on twitter appear just like normal tweets except for a small symbol in the upper corner, people can easily interact using retweeting, mentioning, and liking on the tweet.

5.Pinterest ads 

Pinterest has the largest audience of upper-class women so the companies that engage in handbags, apparel, shoes, and home décor would work best in the Pinterest advertisement, you can advertise your products through promoted pins.

6.In-app advertisements

Almost every app comes with ads, people rarely go to the premium versions of the apps which means that they are bound to see these ads.


 Bing is a search engine that is owned and operated by Microsoft. While Bing has a smaller market share than Google, your advertising budget on the second-place search engine could go further. Bing Ads are 70% less expensive than Google Ads on average. That is enormous value on a search engine that receives 5 billion searches per month.

However, lower costs aren’t the only benefit of using Bing’s mobile ad network. You have more control over the language, location, and scheduling of your campaign with Bing Ads 

8.Linkedin  ads 

LinkedIn could be a very good place to market your products and services, especially in the B2B segment. It is great for advertising and posting educational content related to the brand and product on LinkedIn.

9.Amazon ads 

Similar to google the search engine whenever you make any searches on amazon some of the top posts will be sponsored, a seller on amazon can gain more publicity by running sponsored ads on Amazon, these sponsored ads can also appear in the individual product pages.

For example: if you are looking at a gym outfit then there will be a sponsored ad for  Gym bags that would go well with the outfit.

10. Snapchat

Snapchat is a smartphone social networking app. It’s set up such that when you share an image or video, it’s only visible for a brief period of time by default. Snapchat could be a beneficial social channel to enhance brand exposure and revenue if your target market includes Millennials and Gen Z. Their mobile ad platform allows you to create sponsored filters and AR glasses, as well as run narrative advertising.


If you’ve never heard of Quora, it’s a “Question and Answer” website. People log in, ask a question (about anything), and then other knowledgeable users respond. Multiple people can respond, but the “best” answer is frequently highlighted, making it simpler for others to locate.

Targeting your ad to people who are asking questions about internet marketing on Quora could be a great way to advertise.

If someone asks, “Which ad platform is ideal for e-commerce sites?” on Quora, for example. You have the opportunity to get your ad in front of that person.


 Each of the advertising platforms could do wonders for your company if it is utilized properly. Advertising could be an uphill battle  especially when there are thousands of advertising platforms to choose from therefore we recommend you to checkout Poweradspy which  is the world’s largest database of Fb, Google, Instagram, YouTube, GDN, NATIVE, Reddit, Quora ads.

For more details about ads intelligence software, click here:

7 Top Tools To Help Marketers Track Competitors

No matter what your experience level in marketing is, one thing you need to keep under your tab is your competitors. 

To grow in today’s digital economy, marketing is a game of competing for the attention of your audience. With so many marketing channels available today, that competition is oftentimes fierce. Competition for traffic, ad placement, followers, and sales. The list goes on and on. 

Keeping your competitor’s strategies in check will help you devise your own strategy. And while the idea to track competitors isn’t particularly pleasant, it’s absolutely necessary. 

What is a competitive analysis?

A competitive analysis is a strategy where you track major competitors and research their products, sales, and marketing strategies. By doing this, you can create solid business strategies that improve upon your competitors.

Understanding your competitor’s marketing strategy can help you learn the ins and outs of how your competition works, and identify potential opportunities where you can out-perform them.

Since social media is easily accessible and cost-efficient, no doubt there is so much competition on the platform. And getting ahead of your competitors is laborious. But at the same time, social media platforms allow you to learn more about your competitors.

Tracking your social media competitors will help identify top trends and updates you need to watch out for. You can gain a competitive advantage by keeping up with the latest updates in the industry. 

So, to put it simply, you should track competitors to keep up with trends and events in the industry. Here are some top tools that can help you track your competitors. 

Competitor Tracking Tools for Social Media:


PowerAdSpy will adequately improve your Social Ads Advertising Campaigns. It can find hidden niches and lucrative opportunities for you, removing all the hassle of content creation, identifying campaign targets, niche research, and more. To offer you crystal clear visibility of Ads analytics, PowerAdSpy allows you to visit the live ad posts directly from the platform. You can visit and cross-check the real-time engagement along with the audience’s opinion over the ads. 

This powerful Social Ads Analysis tool allows you to search ads with your exact or relevant keywords and gives you the ability to explore ads from precise to broad results for better analysis.

Sprout Social: 

Sprout Social enables you to understand competitor performance on social media from multiple angles and data points.

You can use Sprout’s suite of competitive reports to assess and optimize your social strategy with rich data points you can track across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Whether you want to get a sneak peek at what your competitors are posting or benchmark your growth against the average of the profiles being compared, it’s all a click away, minus the tedious manual research and messy spreadsheets.


This Instagram engagement calculator clues you in on how active any given account’s followers are. This is an awesome resource to analyze your competitor’s Instagram presence. Plus, it doubles as a way to figure out whether or not an influencer has a legitimate following.

Phalanx’s engagement ratio is calculated based on the number of followers an account has versus the rate that followers interact with content (likes, comments, etc).

Social Blade:

A fun tool for checking out bigger brands is Social Blade. It assesses follower counts on the likes of Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube among other services. Although often used to assess the popularity of celebrities and YouTubers, there are some interesting insights here for marketers.


SEMRush is one of the most widely-used SEO tools on the market, but its competitor analysis features set them apart from the pack. For starters, you can use SEMRush to pull your competitor’s backlinks and monitor changes in their ranking. 

This is an invaluable tool for understanding who your competition is from a strictly SEO perspective. Likewise, highlighting what keywords are targeted by competitors directly influences your content strategy.


This browser extension from Moz provides a surface-level view of how authoritative a site is in the eyes of Google. Based on Moz’s metric of domain authority (DA), MozBar assigns sites a DA score based on their likelihood to rank in search engines (based on factors such as backlinks). The higher the DA score, the better.

MozBar allows you to conduct a sort of passive competitive analysis as you examine competing sites to figure out how long they’ve been around and whether or not they’re winning backlinks.


Buzzsumo allows you to look at the top-performing content for relevant topics for your brand and specific competitors. The tool looks at a piece of content’s engagement on social sites as well as its total shares across the web.

Buzzsumo provides you with definitive answers, whether you’re looking for movers and shakers in your industry or simply a new idea for a blog post.


It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in–marketing is a game of competing for the attention of your audience. It might be overwhelming, but with PowerAdSpy, you will get the best ads and get your campaigns to the next level and let you track competitors.  

It provides you full engagement details of these ads which can be used to analyze and create your next ad campaigns and maximize profits.

With so many marketing channels available today, that competition is oftentimes fierce. With the amazing tools in your arsenal, you can easily track competitors for marketing and promotional strategies. This will also assist you to get all the crucial data and plan the best strategy for your marketing campaigns. 

The Best 5 Ad Spy Tools for Digital Marketers: Featuring Power Ads Spy, BigSpy, AdSpy, Anstrex, and MagicAdz

As a social media advertiser, your key task is to send the right brand message to the right audience at the right time. And now, with the slow death of organic reach on most of the social media platforms, paid ads are your support. 

But here’s the catch. You will not want your advertising funds to ads that won’t convert. hence it is important to create the right ad strategy that will target your potential audience. And to achieve this easily, you can simply take inspiration from the ads of your top competitors to learn what works and what doesn’t. This is where ad intelligence tools come to play. 

Ad intelligence is essential for digital marketers. These software specialize in gathering data on brands’ online advertising activities. These tools provide insights into how your competitors and other companies spend money on ads and uncover the best ones for you. 

In this article let’s look into the ad intelligence tools and reviewing the best ad spy tools that are best for marketers:


Power Ads Spy is easily one of the most useful tools you could add to your social media marketing arsenal. However, its pleasures don’t come cheap and most of the advanced features are available only for more expensive plans, so prepare to fork out.  

Here are some of its metrics: 

  • Collection of over 50 million ads
  • Top features: data interval search, multiple filtering options, tracking system
  • Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Quora, Reddit, TikTok, GDN, Native, etc. 
  • Price from: $588/year
  • Provides Live support


This free ad spy tool lets you search by marketing objectives, CTA, as well as creatives for a particular market segment. The platform also allows you to receive notifications about selected brands and companies. 

Here are some of its top metrics: 

  • Size: 650 million ads 
  • It provides features like: top charts; featured ads, “heat” metric
  • Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest, Instagram, Yahoo, YouTube, Admob
  • Live support: yes 


AdSpy specializes in ads on Facebook and Instagram. AdSpy is a go-to ad intelligence solution if you specialize in running Facebook and Instagram ads.   

Here are some of its top metrics: 

  • Collection of 91+ million ads
  • Provides search through comments, Cloaker bypass, big data statistics
  • Ad channels: Facebook, Instagram
  • Price from: $149/mo
  • Live support: No 


This tool lets you analyze competitors’ eCom, mobile, native, push, and desktop campaigns. It also provides services for some social platforms. 

The top metrics are: 

  • Size: 75 countries supported 
  • It provides features like uncover hidden mobile campaigns, affiliate-offer ads
  • Ad channels: Android in-app, pop-ups, mobile web
  • Price from: $149/mo 
  • Live support: Yes 


All ads in the platform’s database are connected to the actual lander used by the advertisement, so you can analyze your competitors’ entire funnel. Moreover, MagicAdz lets you create your own cloaked Facebook campaigns. 

The top metrics are: 

  • Some of the top features are searched by keywords, 1-click affiliate ads, spy on affiliates
  • Ad channels: Facebook
  • Price from: $89/mo
  • Live support: Yes 

Final Thoughts:

Thanks to the specialized ad spy tools available nowadays, you can easily get insights into the competition’s offers, promos, traffic, and creatives.

To save yourself some headache, time, and money – consider investing in an ad spy tool from the very beginning. There are plenty of ad spy tools available online for you to discover your competition’s offers and promos, but out of these tools, Power ads spy is the best one for all your social media advertising needs. 

How To See Sponsored Ads On Facebook And Best Tools To Help You

Have you ever felt that your organic posts on Facebook are not getting much reach? You are not alone in this.

Over the past few years, Facebook has been overcrowded by marketers due to its high reach and potential. And its ever-changing algorithm is making it even harder to provide the most relevant content. It becomes hard for marketers to get their posts in front of the target audience, and thus organic reach is decreasing further. 

But there is a solution to this, sponsored post!

Facebook gives you the option to boost your post, to reach more audiences on the platform. 

In this article, let us go through the basics of sponsored ads, and how we can find them easily. 

What Are Sponsored Ads?

It is a type of promotional post that appears seamlessly in your news feed amongst other posts from your friends and followers.

In simple words, Sponsored ads are the advertisements created with your post on a Facebook page. With the help of sponsored posts, you can help your content reach a larger selected audience. 

By promoting your post, you are just making sure there are high chances of getting a higher reach. It can help you spread brand awareness, get more engagement on posts, and increase your conversion rates.

How to see sponsored ads on Facebook?

Facebook wants to bring more transparency to ads and Pages on its platform, and part of that involves allowing people to access more information about any organization and the ads it runs at any given moment. 

To do so, Facebook is launching a new feature called “Info and Ads” available on every page. Facebook has given an easy answer for how to see sponsored ads on Facebook.

Go to the Facebook page of a competitor or advertiser and click on the left-hand menu section titled ‘Info and ads’.

Depending on the advertiser you’ll be able to sort the results by which country the ads are running in and then scroll down to see all the available ads for that advertiser.

But this method has a major drawback. To view your competitor’s ad you need to visit each page and study them individually


It’s a great resource for any marketer who wants to search ads by keyword, domain, and the advertiser and sort by the newest ad, longest-running ad, and social engagements stats, as well as targeting option and landing page properties, and much more.

The filters are very useful for filtering the search parameters and knowing which are super relevant to your campaign. It additionally provides a detailed breakdown of audience targeting and demographics, which is an essential aspect of running a successful Facebook Ads campaign.


MagicAdz can find uncloaked affiliate ads, cloaked affiliate ads, and suspected cloaked ads with just one click. It helps you uncover ads that are being cloaked in Facebook Ads, so you can find the actual landing page used by the advertiser and analyze their strategy and sales funnel.


AdSector has many standard features you would expect but additionally allows you to filter results by affiliate network and tracking system.

You can filter by interest to give you an understanding of the intent of the ad, and even search page content to uncover eCommerce platforms and sales funnels.

AdPlexity eCommerce

AdPlexity is a tool for the serious marketer who wants to look beyond social search and analyze competitor campaigns across all major sources. This really is a must-have tool for marketers who need to stay ahead of the competition.


SocialAdScout is a tool that offers great targeting options which you will love. There are a ton of filters to apply to your searches, plus detailed targeting options and live creatives you can interact with within the search results pages.

Also watch: Get access to Millions of competitors’ winning Ads from over 100+ countries with PowerAdSpy


To keep up with the growing demands of the market and changing algorithms, it is important to know how to see sponsored ads on Facebook. This will help you curate the best ads for your target audience. Additionally, with the help of an amazing ad research tool, you can get the best out of competitors’ ads on Facebook. 


Facebook has grown out of just being a social platform, it now has many potential benefits for your business. These benefits include that of a website and even more. Combined, these benefits can lead to increased sales and profits for your business. 

But with the increase in the popularity of Facebook among the markets another aspect that grew alongside is competition. With ever-changing algorithms and competitors continuously planning to reach your target audience, organic reach is decreasing drastically.

So how do you approach Facebook marketing to reach your ideal customer and communicate your business ideas in the best way possible?

Now is the time you take a deep dive into the world of Facebook ads. It is a way to connect with your audience on the world’s largest social network of 2.80 billion monthly active users. Facebook ads are all about getting your message in front of your target audience among this huge number. Or specifically, the people who are most likely to want your products or services.

If you want to get the best results, it’s important to understand the different Facebook ads you can use for your business. Let’s begin!

Types of Facebook ads

Image ads

It is a great way to get started with Facebook paid advertising. You can create one with just a few clicks by boosting an existing post with an image from your Facebook Page.

Video ads

Video ads can run in the News Feed and Stories, or in-stream ads in longer Facebook videos. Video ads can show your team or your product in action, as a quick demo video.

Poll ads

This Facebook ad format incorporates an interactive component by adding a two-option poll to an image or video ad. It is only mobile-friendly. You can add separate links for each poll choice.

Carousel ads

A carousel ad is similar to an image ad, but it can use up to 10 images or videos to showcase your product or service. You can use this format to highlight the different benefits of one product, several different products, etc.

Slideshow ads

Slideshow ads offer an easy way to create short video ads from a collection of still photos, text, or existing video clips.

Slideshow ads help create eye-catching short video ads from a collection of still photos, text, or existing video clips. They ate an easy, low-impact way to draw attention.

Messenger ads

When creating your ad, you can choose Messenger as the desired placement to advertise on Facebook messenger. You can also run “click-to-Messenger” ads in the Facebook feed. These ads emphasize a call-to-action button that initiates a Messenger chat with your Page directly.

Stories ads

Mobile phones are meant to be held vertically. Facebook Story ads are a mobile-only full-screen vertical video format that allows you to maximize screen real estate without expecting viewers to turn their screen.

Tips For Running Facebook Ads

Use the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is a small piece of code that allows you to track conversions, remarketing to people who have viewed a product on your site, and create lookalike audiences. This code placed on your website can have a big impact on your Facebook ad campaigns. 

Find Ad Frequency To Suit Your Requirement

Because it’s rare for a new prospect to take action the first time they see an ad for a product they’ve never heard of, or to remember a brand name after hearing it just once. You need to test the ad frequency. 

Facebook IQ research shows that while there is no optimal number of exposures for every ad, more exposures do seem to lead to higher purchase intent.

Test Out New Ideas For Your Audience

Every time you try something new it’s important not to make assumptions about what will work and what won’t. Try out everything to see what will work in your Facebook ads. , You should also test it against your previous ads to see whether there are improvements to the metrics that matter most to you. 

Track and optimize performance

Closely monitor how your campaigns perform in the Facebook Ads Manager dashboard and choose to spend on best-performing ads. 

Once you’ve determined what works best after trial and error, use the winning ad as your primary campaign.

Use An Ad Research Tool Like Poweradspy

With an ad spy tool, you can keep an eye on the top competitors in your niche and study their strategies to keep ahead of them. You have the full control to research through as many ads you like, analyse which ads perform well in your niche to best conversions. 

Also watch: Get access to Millions of competitors’ winning Ads from over 100+ countries with PowerAdSpy

Concluding Words:

So here was a run-through of everything you need to know, from planning your first ad to developing advanced campaign strategies. While there are certainly a lot of details to keep straight when planning a paid Facebook ad, you mustn’t lose sight of the big picture. With a tool like Poweradspy, you can get the best out of your Facebook ads. It will help you gain a better perspective on the market and your ideal customer. 

How To Boost Your Facebook Post In 9 Easy Steps

While Facebook provides a large audience, finding the right audience from the huge number of followers can be a difficult task. 

Boosting a Facebook post is a great way to combat declining organic reach and get your content in front of the right people. With the simple Facebook Boost Post button, you can easily expand your reach with just a few clicks and a small investment. A boosted post is a simple form of Facebook advertising. Knowing how to boost a post on Facebook can help you in getting the best for your ads.

What is a Facebook boosted post?

A Facebook boosted post is just like a regular Facebook post. It is the simplest form of a Facebook ad, and you can create one in just a few clicks. 

If boosting a Facebook post provides your desired ad objectives, it is a fast and easy method to promote your company on Facebook. Your boosted content can include text, an image or video, and a link. Additionally, Facebook boosted posts include features like a call-to-action button and the ability to track ad metrics for the post.

But before you go ahead and boost your post, you need to understand which post you should post. Using a competitor ad analysis tool like Poweradspy can analyse thousands of ads running across Facebook and find the ones working best. By analysing and scaling these ads you know which of your posts to boost to gain maximum benefits.

Benefits of boosting a Facebook post

Facebook’s organic reach has decreased to only 5.2%, so the Facebook algorithm is not very reliable when it comes to getting your organic content to the masses. Even your followers see few posts that you post. If you boost your post using Competitive Insights, you can reach a wider audience.

Guaranteed visibility: 

Boosting your post makes it possible to reach a wider audience. It will get your post to appear on the users’ newsfeed.

Increased engagement: 

When people are familiar with your post or your content is relevant for them, they will engage with your content.

Exposure to a new audience:  

Facebook gives you the option to choose your target audience based on their demographics, age, sex, interest, etc. So you can select the desired audience while you boost your post. 

Ensures your content is seen by the right people:  

When you select your desired audience and boost your post, Facebook promotes your content in front of the relevant audience. This way you can reach a new audience as well.

How to boost a post on Facebook

It is important to know how to boost a post on Facebook. And now that you understand the importance of boosting a post, let us see how you can do it in some easy and simple steps. With the help of the Facebook boost post feature, you can create an ad with just a few clicks!

Here’s how:

Step 1. Go to your Facebook Page from your mobile app or on the website. 

Step 2. Once you select the post you want to promote, click the blue ‘Boost Post’ button below the post.

Step 3. Select your desired goal for your boosted post. When you are just getting started and not sure which goal to select, Facebook can choose the best goal based on your settings. 

Step 4. Choose your Call-to-action and what it will say on your Facebook ad. The options will vary based on the goal you selected.

Step 5. Choose the audience for your boosted post. You can choose an audience of people who already like your Page, people who like your Page plus their friends, or a new custom audience using Facebook’s targeting options. 

Step 6. Choose the duration and timing for which you’d like to boost your post.

Step 7. Use the slider to set your budget or the total amount you will spend for the post-boost. 

Step 8. Determine your ad position and then specify your payment method. If you have set up a Facebook Pixel, use the toggle switch to connect it to your ad for more accurate analytics.

Step 9. Here, you can view your boosted ad preview and predicted results. Once you finalize, click ‘Boost Post Now’ at the bottom of the screen.

Also watch: Get access to Millions of competitors’ winning Ads from over 100+ countries with PowerAdSpy


Boosting a post is easy to do and can provide great results to your Facebook Page. Now with the easy steps explained above and a powerful tool like Poweradspy you can top your marketing game. 

With options to set your own budget and flexible adjustments, boosting options are available even for small businesses. With a lot of benefits like Facebook ads, boosted posts can be a game-changer in your Facebook marketing strategy. 

Upgrade Your Facebook Engagement Strategies with These 06 Tips

It hasn’t been easy for some businesses, as Facebook has introduced some changes in its algorithm, due to which many marketers seem to be a little scared. Facebook has become one of the most reliable social media channels or marketing these days. It is also why it changes and upgrades from time to time to new approaches to reach the audience.

Different businesses have different Facebook engagement strategies to grow their business and make remarkable success stories. 

This simple but great platform offers various ways to increase engagement. 

But, before moving on to the tips, let’s get a basic idea of how Facebook will help you kick start your business? 

To cut a long story short, Facebook has millions of active users, and it is easy for marketers to gain the perfect audience for their product. This user-friendly platform has many opportunities for a new business to grow seamlessly. It is an excellent marketing assistant to encourage leads to your websites and improve sales at exceptional levels. Facebook assists with the advertisement in multiple ways like no other platform provides. Figuring out the right skills and techniques will get you excellent results.

Below are 06 tips that will grow your brand awareness and help create benchmarks.

1. Enhance Brand Presence

Advertising is a medium by which you provide your audience with knowledge of your business and its products. Therefore, brand presence is an essential part of a marketing strategy. The brand or the product should attract an audience that will help grow engagement to the post.

It is necessary to show the aim plus the advantages one can receive from the company and, one of the ways is to showcase them in the advertisements. However, managing the same brand presence is equally important even after a success.

2. Be Creative with Images & Videos

Posting images and videos is a great way to boost engagement. It is said to be one of Facebook best practices to drive more engagement.  People tend to get attracted more towards such ads. Be imaginative, unique, and genuine with your content. The audience is more likely to react to attractive images and videos with engaging thumbnails than descriptive articles or quotes.

When it comes to video ads, try to keep them short and to the point. 

3. Understand your Audience

As you plan the Facebook marketing tactics, it is one of the primary steps to filter your target audience. After this, understand the demand and needs of the targeted audience. And also, offer them accordingly.

Doing this helps to expand brand awareness and will boost audience engagement. It will surely bring your product more customers.

4. Connect Through Facebook Stories

Everyone’s Facebook engagement strategies vary from each other. It solely depends on the target audience and their reactions to your product.

There are many tools Facebook provides that will benefit in marketing as well. One of the mediums is Facebook stories, as it is a great way to reach the audience. This way, you can upload stories about any offer or update about the brand and business which, will notify them. 

5. AMA: Ask Me Anything

Communicating with your audience will give you a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. It is a simple yet effective way to build a good relationship with the customers. 

As customers are the ones using the product, it is essential to take feedback from them. Responding to customers’ reviews, queries, issues, and opinions will help you design a more reliable product.  

6. Know What Increased your Reach?

Take a regular look at stats and analyze the interest of the customers. It will show the exact spot you need to work. This way, you will have the chance to improve the weaknesses and flaunt the strengths.     

Success doesn’t come overnight. If things go in the right direction, don’t stop there. Keep learning from your past experiences and improve with every chance possible.

All in all,

Today with all the up-gradation of Facebook, there are numerous ways to advertise or promote a brand. No doubt this is a great marketing channel for all types of business, irrespective of its size. This platform has made marketing simpler than ever before. Facebook has made it easy to promote and find your target audience. 

There are numerous ways to enhance your Facebook engagement strategies and, some of the above will help you reach your desired engagement goal for sure.

Also watch: How To Find Best Performing Facebook Ads Using PowerAdSpy