Top 9 reasons why Mobile ads are effective 

Mobile ads are one of the most effective ways of  advertising however what makes mobile advertising more effective than Internet advertising is the question to be answered. Here in this article we have discussed 9 reasons why Mobile ads are effective.

1.Huge number of Mobile users

Nearly half of the world now carries a mobile phone plus marketers can reach more people through mobile  than they can reach through personal computers. IN developing nations, the divide between mobile and PC ownership is considerably wider. Number of personal computer users is only 1 billion compared to 4 billion mobile users.

2.One to one or personal connection 

Mobile commercials are more effective in terms of product awareness and sales due to the one-on-one personal nature of mobile devices.Users pay more attention to mobile ads (e.g., text added after a notice) than they do to ads that come to a PC since communications are intended only for the user.


If you’re on a tight budget, mobile advertising is the most cost-effective option.

When compared to traditional types of advertising such as television and print media, this will be a fraction of the expense.

4.The advantages of having several touchpoints

A PC is limited by a single point of contact, namely the internet. Publishers have a lot more alternatives with mobile advertising, such as:

  • Text Messages (SMS) 
  • Voicemail
  • Multi-Media Messaging (MMS)
  • Mobile internet 

5. Real time triggers

Mobile advertising can be particularly effective in fulfilling urgent real-life needs and maximizing reaction rates when they are triggered by real-time conditions such as invoicing and location triggers.

6. Effective form of targeting 

Unlike a personal computer or laptop, mobile phones allow for the collection of a vast quantity of data on users, making them an effective targeting tool.

Marketers can easily categorize consumers based on pertinent information like:

  • Location information
  • Demographics
  • Age group
  • Mobility
  • Shopping habits 
  • Preferences and habits 
  • Spending habits 

IP addresses and cookies can be used to track consumer information. However, information obtained on a desktop or laptop computer may not be as accurate. This is due to the possibility of several people accessing the same data.

Mobile devices, on the other hand, are unique to each consumer. As a result, the data generated by mobile devices is more important. Furthermore, new  technologies such as location-based advertising, proximity targeting, and other similar techniques can be combined with this data to create adverts that are entirely personalized and extremely relevant to the recipient.

According to statistics, viewers are more likely to pay attention to targeted ads that are more relevant than random ads that pop up on their mobile screens.

7. Prevents banner blocking 

According to eye-tracking studies, Internet users have developed banner blindness and have ceased perceiving Internet advertising in a huge proportion of situations. Not to mention the vast number of users who use ad-blockers to prevent adverts from even appearing.

Because of the nature of mobile advertising, both of these occurrences are avoided, allowing mobile ads to be more successful.

 8. opt in by people-

Users must opt in to participate with mobile advertising, as opposed to the PC experience. Ads on the PC are generally considered spam and ignored, whereas mobile ads are only provided to people who request them. They become more effective as a result of how they are perceived.

9.Mobile phones are  used for longer periods.

Consider how much time you spend on your smartphone versus your desktop or laptop before seeking for statistics data.

According to Statista, the number of individuals who use a cell phone in 2019 is estimated to be above 4.5 billion.

With mobile devices accounting for over 80% of all traffic, there is no better medium for delivering advertising messages than mobile phones.


Mobile advertising, unlike other forms of advertising, is extremely advantageous due to its greater accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and, most significantly, personalization. With all of these benefits, mobile advertisements are unquestionably here to stay and will continue to control the world of digital marketing for some time.

If you’re a business owner who uses cell phone advertising, you can be comfortable that you’ve chosen the most effective marketing method for your company.

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In 2021, Here Are The Top Five Reasons Why You Should Concentrate On Mobile Marketing.

Marketing through mobile has become a new norm in the era of digital marketing. Smartphones probably are the first thing that everyone sees when waking up and the last thing before going to sleep.

Now you realize the power of marketing through mobile. Smartphones have become an integral part of our day-to-day life, and constant use of them compelling marketers to adopt marketing through mobile strategies to build a customer base.

The smartphone is a small instrument with a lot of power when spreading the news about a company. According to Statista, there will be 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide by 2021; as a result, whether you want to speak, search the internet or market a product, mobile phones have become increasingly significant.

The widespread availability of the Internet has helped to popularize marketing through mobile. Companies used to spend millions of dollars on television advertising but now they invest extensively in digital marketing services because it is the most popular approach to reach a huge audience.

Marketing through mobile has risen to prominence as the number of smartphone users continues to grow and more people shop online. And that’s what we will tell you about mobile marketing in this article.

What Is Mobile Marketing?

Marketing through mobile is when you use your marketing effort to target mobile users. This marketing technique entails promoting your services and products using smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

There are no people who do not have access to a phone or the internet. The majority of time is spent on mobile devices. So, if you want to keep up with the competition, include marketing through mobile in your marketing efforts. The current decade is the mobile era, and it will not be left behind by avoiding it. 

You can reach new audiences and target potential customers who use smartphones with marketing through mobile. Advertisements for mobile users appear on mobile phones and tablets in mobile ad marketing campaigns. You consider mobile adoptions.

What is the Process of Marketing Through Mobile?

Advertisements that show on mobile cell phones, tablets, or other mobile devices are known as marketing through mobile. Because numerous social media platforms, websites, and mobile apps offer their own unique and personalized mobile ad alternatives, marketing through mobile ad formats, customization, and styles might vary.

What Are the Benefits of Having Marketing Through Mobile Strategy?

Your company requires a marketing through mobile plan for the same reason that requires a computer and access to the internet – this is the age we live in! You’ll see a lot of people with their faces riveted to their smartphone screens if you walk around any major city. According to recent studies, 40% of internet users spend their time on mobile devices, implying that ignoring the rise of mobile is no longer an option.

Here are some more stats aboutmarketing through mobile that you might find interesting:

  • Apps consume 80% of mobile device time, with game apps accounting for the majority of that time.
  • Tablets used to view 70% more web pages than smartphones.
  • Retail conversion rates on tablets are 2.2 percent, much better than the 0.7 percent on smartphones, but old PC conversion rates remain at 3.3 percent.
  • In 2012, mobile searches climbed by 200 percent year over year.

Types of Marketing Through Mobile Strategies

There are a plethora of marketing through mobile tactics to choose. The type that is effective for your company will be determined by your industry, target audience, and budget.

  • App-based marketing

 It is a type of mobile advertising that involves the use of mobile apps. While apps account for 80% of mobile time spent, you don’t have to create one to participate. Advertisers can use services like Google AdMob to produce mobile advertising that show within third-party mobile apps.

Advertisers can now develop ads embedded within the Facebook mobile app. Users aren’t aware they’re looking at ads since Facebook’s mobile Promoted Post ads blend in so well with the news feed.

  • QR codes

 Read by users, sent to a specific webpage associated with the QR code. QR codes are frequently associated with mobile gamification and have a sense of mystery about them, as consumers scanning them aren’t necessarily sure which rabbit hole they’re entering.

  • Location-based marketing

Advertisements that appear on mobile devices depending on a user’s location relative to a specific area or business are known as location-based mobile ads. Some marketers, for example, may only want their mobile advertising to appear when consumers are within a 1-mile radius of their location.

The Best Mobile Marketing Tools

In the field of marketing, there is no such thing as a constant. Every day, new technologies emerge. To get the most out of your marketing firm, you need to keep up with the latest technologies as a marketer.

PowerAdSpy allows you to make money right away by creating winning ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Native, and GDN advertising.

Time to Wrap It Up;

When it comes to low-budget and high-volume sales,marketing through mobile is unrivaled. You can generate maximum revenue with enhanced ROI if you use the above marketing tactics. I hope this article has given you some insight into mobile marketing.