Why Does Your Company Consider Banner Ads In 2021?


In today’s world, any business owner prefers to advertise using banners or displays. It’s a lovely way to show and talk more about your products and services on a digital platform. Since its inception, it has always been a head-turner. But what’s the big deal with banner ads, and why are advertisers so fond of them?

There’s a lot of buzz about banner design and banner ads these days. In this article, we will discuss basic knowledge about Banner Ads that will work in your post.

Let’s start at the beginning:

1. What is banner advertising?


Banner ads are just like display ads or images ads in the format of banner. Because of their visual appearance, banner advertising-known as show advertising (as opposed to text-only advertising). The aim of banner advertising is to advertise and display the look of products or services. The user can be guided from the host website to the advertiser’s website or a particular landing page by clicking on the banner ad.

2. What is the concept of a banner ad?

A banner ad, also known as a web banner, is a form of online advertising that arrives on a web page. A picture (.jpg,.png,.gif) or a multimedia object is use throughout the advertising (usually created using Flash or HTML5).

As a result, depending on the technologies used to create them, banner ads may be static or animated.

The static banner ad can be a simple image or visual that functions similarly to a usual banner except in the digital ecosystem. You can click on it to go to the advertisement’s website or landing page.

2. How do banner ads on the internet work?

By linking to a website, banner ads meant to drive traffic to that site. Web banners may also serve the same purpose as traditional print ads, such as informing, informing about new products, increasing brand recognition, and so on. Most banners, on the other hand, are clickable & their primary purpose to be clicked. But, in a moment, we’ll talk about banner effectiveness.

So, what’s the point of banner advertising?

1. Brand awareness – Using banner advertising, you can increase brand awareness so that customers can quickly identify your product or service. Many brands such as IBM, Apple, Target, and Nike use banner ads to promote their products and services.

2. Lead generator – this is an excellent way to increase the user base. If you’re a Cloud-based business, banner advertising will help you get more people to sign up for your service and try it out.

3. Retarget your audience – if anyone visits your website but does not sign up for your newsletter or tries out your product, you can use banner advertising for retargeting them.

3. What makes banner ads so successful?

The efficacy of online ads can be easily calculated, which is an advantage over conventional advertising. The click-through rate is the essential predictor of banner ad effectiveness. The click-through rate (CTR) is determined by dividing the number of users who clicked on an advertisement by the number of times an ad was displayed. 

For example, one might claim that a particular ad has a click-through rate of 3%. That means the banner was clicked three times out of every 100 impressions delivered. As a result, the higher the click-through rate (CTR), the more successful the advertising. That’s what there is to it.

The Best Ways to Make Banner Ads

Headings that work

The heading of your commercial is the first thing a customer can consider. As a result, it must be flawless. Create a compelling headline that eloquently expresses the ad’s point of view. Your ad heading should be important to your niche and help people recognize your brand. As a result, use a succinct and intriguing heading to entice your users to stop and look at your advertising.

Make a number of advertisements.

It would be hard to reach out to more users if you restrict yourself to a single platform. As a result, in order to increase engagement, you must run your ads across multiple advertising platforms at the same time. However, you cannot place the same ads on all of the websites. As a result, you’ll need to plan multiple marketing campaigns for the audience network of various websites.

A Must-Have Is A Call-To-Action

Yes, call-to-action buttons are needed to use in advertising campaigns. Do not reduce the effectiveness of your advertising by omitting clickable elements. Request that your audience taps on the banner that takes to a more lucrative page.

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy – Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Time to wrap it up

Banner advertisements have dominated the advertising landscape for a long time and will continue to do so for many years to come. But it’s obvious that they’ll stick around and won’t go out of style anytime soon.

We hope this article has helped you a lot regarding some basics about Banner Ads.

Learn How To Publish The Best Banner Ads For Your Campaign!

Advertising has reached a whole new level to make your business reach successful heights. Advertisers from all around the world host ad campaigns to promote their brand and spread awareness about it. There are different types of ads that you can create and host as per your niche. Like: 

  • Canvas Ads
  • Banner Ads
  • Slideshow Ads
  • Carousel Ads
  • Photo Ads, and more. 

Apart from all these ads, today we are mentioning the most trending ad type, Banner ads. Here we will discuss how to design the best ads for your campaign. 

Let’s begin by understanding what is this: 


It is an advertising method that contains images more than texts which are popular for online advertising. The main motive of such ads is to attract traffic from the host’s website to the advertiser’s website. 


One final thing to discuss before we learn how it is effective is and how these ads work when you host them. Let’s see:


When the ads you design look unique and eye-catching to the viewers, the visitors click on the ad and automatically land on the advertiser’s website. As a result, the cost gets paid in many ways, like CTRs, impressions, time spent, etc. To increase traffic, you need to target the right audience for your campaign. 



The main motive of ads is to attract and encourage viewers to shop and buy their products. They will mention the best deals they are offering and discount offers to catch the sight of the users, which will help the advertisers to increase their profits with the help of these ads.


Seeking the attention of viewers is a challenging task. But, by showing your creativity in designing the ads for your campaign, you may become successful in catching the eyeballs of the visitors. In this way, the traffic and your sale will increase enormously. 


One of the best strategies to attract customers is to announce interesting discounts and offers that can be beneficial to you and your customers. Implementing such strategies while creating ads is a smart way to promote your brand. Overall, it will help you increase traffic and revenue. 


Banner ads can be for different purposes, depending on the type of niche. But, there are numerous ways to design such ads to host a better ad campaign: 


Being an advertiser, you have to maintain the hierarchy, and before hosting your ad everything should be systematic. Like, before publishing the ad, make sure to add these 3 components: 

  • Company Logo: The logo you add should be relevant to your business category to make the viewers understand and recognize your brand.
  • Value Proposition: Add the products and services you are offering to your customers and mention the discounts and offers you are contributing.
  • THE CTA: Do not forget to add CTA’s that will help you encourage your clients to visit your website. You can add a CTA button, like: ‘Learn More,’ ‘Get Started,’ ‘Watch Now.’


Texts are the element that makes the viewers understand what the ad is about. But, make sure to add a relevant headline, but instead, do not add text with cursive fonts. 


Banner ads can look a bit boring and distractive with just images and texts. But, adding a pinch of animation can make it look attractive. Add an animation that suits best with your ad templates, texts, and colors. 



Dimensions play a crucial role as an ad with proper specifications fits best. Publishing ads with undefined dimensions may look spam and get deleted ultimately. So, here are the following specifications: 

  • 780x90px – Leaderboard
  • 300x600px – Half Page
  • 300x250px – Medium Rectangle
  • 336x280px – Large Rectangle

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy – Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool


Overall, banner ads are really effective to build a successful brand strategy. So, we hope our readers understood how these ads are beneficial to host your advertising campaign.