Google Ads Update: Learn What’s New This Year

We live in a world where things change every minute. Similarly, when we speak about Google, the world’s best search engine, we are always interested to know what new Google has brought this time. 

Even marketers prefer advertising on Google to catch the audience’s sight and increase traffic for their business. The ad policies on Google keep updating now and then. So, being a professional, you should be aware of the same.

Today, we will discuss the Google ads update of 2022. Let’s begin: 

#1 Upgrade Smart Shopping Campaigns: 

Using the one-click upgrade tool in Google ads, you can upgrade the timeline and process of smart shopping campaigns without hassle. Google strongly recommends that marketers use tools for upgrading their marketing campaigns. Before 2-3 weeks, you will automatically receive a notification to help you upgrade your marketing tactic. 

#2 Text-To-Speech Feature: 

You might have noticed an in-built voice running behind your ads on Google. Audio plays a significant role in leaving your mark on the audience. So, Google ads has developed an update where you can add voices to your YouTube video ads to grab more viewers’ attention. Audio elements are pretty compelling for the audience. 

#3 More Insights: 

Ad Insights

Ad insights help you address the hard work behind your advertising strategies. So, as per Google norms, once you submit your ad campaign, you will be able to see the diagnosed insights for your Google ads. Click on ‘Show All Campaign Diagnostics’, and you will get a list of the following: 

  • Account status
  • Billing status
  • Policy review
  • Conversion tracking
  • Campaign budget
  • Bid strategy budget
  • Campaign status
  • Ad strength

#4 Expanded Hotel Businesses:

After the covid pandemic, the traveling and hotel businesses were stressed because of their affected income. After the Google ads update, the hotel business advertisers, which have hotel center accounts, can now connect their business information with Google. You can also use the Performance Max campaigns to boost your business. 

#5 Privacy Updates: 

Google’s privacy policies require upgradation with time, and Google did the same. The advertising policies cover 4 parts: Prohibited content, prohibited practices, restricted content & features, and editorial & technical rules. Some most significant criteria are:

  • Counterfeit goods
  • Dangerous products & services
  • Enabling dishonest behavior
  • Data collection and use
  • Misrepresentation
  • Default ads treatment
  • Sexual content
  • Ad format requirements, etc.

#6 Google Ads Experiment: 

One of the best updates of Google ads is that users can now test and implement strategies for their businesses. Advertisers can improve their campaign performance. The foremost step is to select an ad campaign and design a custom experiment for the same. Through this, the marketers can make changes as per their experience to advertise more professionally. 

#7 Google Ads Scripts: 

In the upcoming updates of Google ads, we came to know that Google has now come up with Java script codes in the ad account. Through it, you can manage to bid, pauses ad groups, adds keywords, and balance multiple things together. You can even check the scripts for errors and fix them without affecting your output. 

#8 User Generated Images: 

Google ads help the advertisers to leave a positive impact on your audience. In the recent updates, Google announced that the customers should upload user-generated images via customer’s profile to gain the audience’s trust. It will help your audience believe in your products and services and connect with your customers more deeply. 

#9 Lead Ads Extension: 


The business requires generating leads for your business. It gives you more data to know about your audience. Once you click the CTA button on the ad, a lead form comes out automatically. You can simply submit the form from their Google account.

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: How To Search Competitors Google Ads By Keywords, Domains

Wrapping Up: 

We hope our readers are now aware of the Google ads update, and they can implement their best strategies to generate leads for their businesses. 

Instagram Advertising Is Essential For Your Business – Learn Why

Companies can promote their business and brand worldwide using multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others.  But considering audience engagement, Instagram Advertising is the best way to grab the attention of its target audience globally. However, many people still have various doubts in their minds, like how to create a perfect advertisement to reach their target audience? 

So, let me ask you a question, have you reached your target audience via advertisement? If you didn’t, then don’t worry. This article will guide you with every step that will help you effectively to reach your target audience easily. 

So, without wasting more time, Let’s start!!

Advertising On Instagram

If you think Instagram ads are hard to display, you might be wrong because it is simple to show. But, here in your mind, probably this question will arise like, how do I display ads on Instagram? Or how is it simple? 

And the answer is here – If you’re ready to run ads on Instagram, start with Ads Manager and choose Instagram as a placement. 

In order to run ads on Instagram, you do not need to have an Instagram account. You can use your Facebook Page or a connected Instagram account( if you already have one).

Further, go to the Ads Manager, select the create option, then determine the objectives that support Instagram as an advertisement Placement.

After choosing the objective, go to the placements section where you can select Manual placements and choose Instagram to have your ads displayed on Instagram.

04 – Instagram Advertising Strategy

Define Your Goals:-


Determining the business goals is the 1st strategy that helps you to understand how much time your company will take to achieve them. It will also work on generating new leads within a short duration.

Use Your Instagram Business Account:-

Instagram plays a significant role in catching the attention of your target audience. Use your account in an effective way. Add product pictures, short videos (reels), or hire influencers to increase your following. It is the best Instagram Advertising strategy that many marketers prefer to use.

Know Your Target Audience:-

Finding the taste and preferences of your customers is the salient thing that every company does. After finding out what your consumers need and want, start making that type of product to grab the attention of your target audience. 

Upgrade Your Profile:-

Upgrade Your Profile

Optimizing your Instagram profile is necessary. Because before purchasing any product, the consumers definitely do research about that, and also they visit their Instagram profiles. 

Thus, try to add excellent HD pictures of your product to your profile. It will help you to attract your audience. Additionally, try to add hashtags like hashtags for food, and hashtags for Instagram, to reach a new audience. 

So, these are the best 04 strategies that you may apply in your organization to achieve your organizational goals. 

Instagram Advertising Cost

Instagram cost per click (CPC)

According to the research, Instagram’s cost per click in 2021 ranges from $0.40-$0.70. All clicks on ads are considered, including link clicks along with likes and reactions.

Instagram’s cost per click ranges from $0.50 to $0.95 for ads with a destination URL in 2021.

Instagram cost per engagement (CPE)

It is calculated that Instagram will cost between $0.01 and $0.05 per engagement in 2021.

Instagram cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

better-performing Instagram campaigns and their respective ad sets will cost $2.50-$3.50 per thousand impressions in 2021.

Instagram Advertising Policy 

Instagram Advertisement Policy contains the following things:-

Prohibited content

It includes Violations of Facebook’s Community Standards or Instagram’s, Community Guidelines, Illegal products or services, Tobacco products, and so on.   

Format restrictions

These restrictions must be adhered to when creating branded content:-

Posting branded content requires the use of a branded content tool, such as Facebook Stories or Instagram posts.

How Does Instagram Advertising Work?

Instagram ads work in an effective way as ads are really helpful to boost your business within a short time. In a similar way, Instagram ads appear throughout the app, including in users’ feeds, Stories, Explore, and more. The posts look like normal ones but are always labeled “sponsored” to indicate that they are advertisements.

You can also watch – Poweradspy: Local Marketing


Finally, Instagram Advertising is a sufficient thing to reach out to your target consumers. I hope our readers will learn something new to boost their knowledge. This is the end for now. Thanks for reading!!

Best Social Media Ads: 04 Magnificent Techniques To Enhance Your Business

The best way to reach your consumers and followers is through advertising. As everyone knows, we live in the 21st century and can easily carry out advertising tasks. You can capture the interest of your target audience with so many different types of advertisements within a short duration. 

Ergo, let me ask you some questions – how do you think about advertisements? Does it support you in achieving all of your goals? 

I know the answers to the above questions might be dissimilar from your perspective. And you might be searching for the exact answers. Therefore, this article helps you acquire various ideas linked to the  Best social media ads for your business.

So let’s get going.

What Are Exactly Ads For Social Media?

It is a form of digital marketing that involves sending sponsored advertisements to your target audience through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin. 

Best ads on social media are a quick and efficient approach to reaching your target audience and expanding your marketing initiatives effectively and efficiently.

Apart from them, there is the best social media ads example by which you can easily analyze your marketing strategies quickly.

Picture Ads:-

One of the most popular categories of ads is image ads. Marketers can reach their target audience effectively through these specific social media ads. Image advertisement contains. 

Attractive pictures, best color combination with numerous design elements. This type of ad usually grabs the attention of all your target audiences.

Video Ads:- 


A video ad is a good tactic for reaching your target audience quickly. Additionally, it works well for delivering a tonne of information quickly. 

Rather than reading an image advertisement, many people prefer to watch video ads before buying any product. It is a plus point for video advertisement.  

Carousel ads:-

Carousel advertisements are a great way to display a variety of goods and improving your Social Media Advertising. Your audience can browse a combination of products on your slides and make selections based on their preferences. Alternatively, you can use a single, large image on several cards.

So these are the top 3 examples that anyone can apply while creating ads for your company.

Social Media Campaign Ideas

Social Media Campaign

A social media campaign is a planned marketing activity that uses one or more social media channels to support to reach a company its objective. 

Compared to regular social media initiatives, campaigns are more focused, targeted, and measurable. Campaigns can also attract new consumers in addition to grabbing the attention of current ones.

04 Magnificent Techniques

Set goals for your social media ads:-

Setting goals for social media advertising is the perfect way to reach your organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Many marketers set goals to make huge sales by publishing their ads on various social media platforms. It is the  Best social media ads trick to reach your organizational goals.

Determine your target audience:-

Identifying your target audience is the primary thing that every marketer does. Your target audience plays an essential role in boosting your business.

Further, after finding your target consumers, start displaying the product ads according to your target consumer’s tastes and preferences. It will support you to grab their attention quickly.

Pick the right platform:-

Right Platform

Selecting the right social media platform are also significant. You need to do some research about which social media platform is trending nowadays in order to pick the correct medium. And also, this is the best technique that every marketer follows. 

Use high-quality visuals:-

Many individuals prefer to use visual graphics like images & short videos will support the marketers to boost their sales within a short period of time. Using pictures is a great tactic to get the attention of your target consumers and new consumers also.

Best Social Media Ads Strategy

What is the best social media strategy for ads? It is the most obvious question asked by every marketer. And the answer is to create an effective page for your business organization. 

Because if consumers want to buy something from your company, they first check out your social media page to see the product’s posts, reviews, and followers. As a result, good social media pages and product reviews are essential.

You can also watch: How to Search Competitor’s Google Ads By Keywords, Domains 


Hence, the best social media ads will help marketers to achieve their desired goals effectively and efficiently. So, this is it, for now. I hope readers have learned something new. Thanks for reading.

The Cheat Sheet To Facebook Video Ads

Video advertising has set up a new lead in the world of advertising. After YouTube became the most exclusive online-video sharing social media platform, the marketers came up with an appealing idea to promote their ads through video advertising. They implemented their advertising strategies on one of the most trending social media platforms, Facebook. 

Video advertising on Facebook has been a great advantage for marketers to grab the sight of the audience. As a result, some marketers began promoting their brands on social media without complete knowledge. So, today we are mentioning the most significant cheat sheet on Facebook video ads:

Let’s begin with:

What Are Facebook Video Ads?

Video ads on Facebook are ad placements that feature a video where the marketers spread brand awareness and boost the sales for their website. These are the paid versions, but every advertiser should know the accurate specifications. 

Facebook Video Ad Specifications: 


  • File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 
  • Ratio: 9:16 
  • Video settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128 kbps+
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Video captions: Optional
  • Video sound: Optional
  • Primary text: 125 characters 
  • Headline: 40 characters 
  • Video duration: 1 second to 2 minutes 
  • Maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Minimum width: 500 pixels
  • Aspect ratio tolerance: 1%

Facebook Video Ad Tips: 

Don’t Get Skipped:

Don’t Skip The Video

You all have been a Facebook user once, and so you know how Facebook ads appear while we are in the middle of watching a video. We wait to skip the ad part, which goes on for a maximum of 15 seconds. So, the first and foremost rule is always to mention the specific point in your video ad that ends in these 15 seconds. 

The Blurred Intro:

Use a blurred image in your video ad to leave some suspense for your viewers because when Facebook video loads, you will always see a blurred screen. It will boost the anticipation of your audience. So, don’t forget to add a blurred image to stand out to the feed scrollers. 

Graphics & Visual Effects: 

Graphics & Visual Effects

Adding appealing graphics and visual effects to your Facebook video ads will help you grab more attention to your business profile. Add relevant illustrations to your ad, which will leave an eye-catching impact on the viewers. Nowadays, advertisers prefer to add shaking images, bouncing visuals, and sliding transactions.

High-Quality Video:

Make sure the ad you design should be of high definition. Design the video with accurate specifications, which will help you grab more audience’s sight. We even mentioned the video ad dimensions above to state some clarity about hosting video ad campaigns on Facebook. 

Facebook Video Ads Examples:

Here we are mentioning the top 03 Facebook video advertising examples which will help you attract more audiences in the future: 

#1 Oreo:

Oreo, the most famous sandwich cookie brand, launched a video ad with a high-quality sleek, fast-paced movement and eye-catching shifting patterns. They even mentioned a short caption:

“A dramatic film calls for dramatically crisp OREO Thins.”

This caption came out to be quite appealing for the viewers in the future. 

#2 Spotify:

Spotify is the most trending online audio-streaming platform hosted video advertising on Facebook with appealing visuals: An album cover, mixed colorful elements, and on-point typography. 

The caption they picked was: 

“Play millions of songs, free.”

It sounded quite a brand engaging idea for the viewers.

#3 Snickers: 

The famous chocolate brand Snickers has been in demand for a long time. After launching their filmed video content with colorful background and typography, the audience found it quite intriguing. 

They added a caption:

“Office life is full of hidden problems, but WFH is full of even more. That’s why we hid a comforting brownie in a SNICKERS.”

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Mesmerizing Words:

We hope our readers understand how Facebook Video Ads work and how you can design them by implementing these tips. We even mentioned some interesting video ad examples too.

Best 7 Steps : How To Create Incredible Facebook Carousel Ads

Undoubtedly, the Facebook ad is a terrific way to boost businesses now. And there are quite a variety of options with Facebook advertising as well. However, if you are a starter in Facebook marketing, you don’t have to be a master at everything from the beginning. You can start creating advertisements using simple tools and track the performance by effortless reading reports. 

Also, there are so many Facebook ads formats, such as images, videos, carousel, instant experience, etc. Facebook carousel ads are the best for campaigning. Before going further, let us discuss to know more about carousel ads.

What is a Facebook carousel ad?

It is a single Facebook ad consisting of two or more photos or videos with headlines, links, and CTAs added. Carousel ads are a more informative and engaging form of marketing perspective. You can use this ad not only with Facebook but on Instagram as well. In case you want to add several images or videos in your campaign, instead of creating more than one ad, you can create a single carousel ad.

According to some surveys, carousel ads generate 10x times more traffic on Instagram and Facebook than other sponsored posts. So definitely, it is a unique method for driving business sales. 

Why do companies use carousel ads?

The motivation of companies is to reach their product to those people whose interest is related to their brand product. Accordingly, some sections of the marketing business will benefit from using Facebook carousel ads. Like beauty, fitness, apparel, and retail these zones are highly profitable with carousel ads. 

Companies are using carousel ads in other aspects also. There are many ways, for example:

  • Demonstrate the various features of the services.
  • One-time presentation of several products.
  • You can highlight many rebates.
  • We can show multiple benefits of products.
  • Highlighting reviews or testimonials.

Facebook Carousel Ad Specification:A Quick Overview

Before learning about the steps to creating a Facebook carousel ad, let us discuss some interesting points like the sizes and formats of images and videos used in your campaign.

Specifics when using pictures

Image File Format: JPG or PNG

Image Size: As a minimum 1080px by 1080px

Image at least File Size contains: 30MB

Number of Carousel Cards: minimum 2, and maximum 10

Aspect Ratio: 1:1

Video Size for Carousel Ad on Facebook

Maximum video file size: 4 GB

Maximum video length: 240 minutes

Recommended formats: .mp4 and .mov

Video Ratio: 16:09

How to Create a Carousel Ad on Facebook?

Carousel ads are the best ad format for posting on Facebook marketing. For beginners who want to build carousel ads for their campaign, this article will guide them to know about how they can make ads. Here we will discuss 07 steps to create a Facebook carousel ad. 


Start creating images of your products or you may even create a video about your product. Make sure that your content should be relevant to business, advertisements, products, new product launches, promotions, etc.


Log into the Facebook page account for your company and download the Facebook Ads Manager app. Make sure your profile should be a business account. That will leave a terrific impact on your advertisement for customers. 


By clicking “+ Create” in the center of the screen after logging into your account, you can start constructing your Facebook carousel ad. You can create it with new ideas and creativity. 


Select your marketing goal. It can include website traffic, video views, and page likes. In this section, you may also give your campaign, ad set, and ad a name. You’ll be occupied with the following page once you’ve decided on your marketing goal and given your campaign a name.  



Make a budget for your campaign. A timetable to run continually, now or later, can be created, along with a daily or lifetime budget. Because by budget planning we can collect in-hand reports regarding future investments.  


You can modify Your carousel ad to fit your facebook ad targeting market. There are numerous possibilities from which to pick. 

It will gain more attention towards the creation of your brand product advertisement.


After clicking next, you can reach directly to the advertisements tab, where you can choose the photos, ad wording, and videos you want to use for your Facebook ad carousel. 

Finally, make your campaign public! When you are prepared to schedule your ads and have evaluated your campaign settings and carousel ads, click the ‘Publish’ option.

You can also watch: Poweradspy:How To Search Competitors Facebook Ads By Keywords, Domains, Page

Winding up:-

We advise including carousel advertisements in your ad if you haven’t previously preferred them. Compared to other formats, the Facebook carousel ads format will produce superior results to help the development of your company.

Social Media Advertising Ideas For Restaurants

The craving for food and delicious dishes is everyone’s first love. When you spend a long day at college or work, we mostly prefer to get yummy food at restaurants. More than 90% of restaurant owners prefer social media to advertise their business and spread awareness among the audience. Disseminating your restaurant business isn’t an easy task, but you have to be professional enough to set your business on social media. 

The more professional you are, the more engagement on your restaurant’s website. But, advertising on social media requires some appealing tactics. So, here we are mentioning some social media advertising ideas for our readers:

The Basic Information:

The first and foremost thing to attract the audience’s sight is feeding all the basic information on your restaurant’s social media profile. Add every single detail about your diner, and don’t forget to add the website’s address and shop address on the profile. It will set a clear path for your audience to reach your easily.

Set-Up Menu:

Menu showcase the dishes your diner serves the audience. Social media is a vast platform for target audiences, and the owners can add up their menu on Facebook, Instagram, and other social networking sites. Or you can also add a QR code linked to your restaurant’s menu to display the dishes you serve. Also, the diner owners can add the cuisines in their social profile’s about section to help the audience get every information. 

Action Button:

Don’t forget to add Call-To-Action buttons to your social media profiles. CTA buttons will give the audience a path to reach your website. You can add a link to the CTA button, which helps the audience reach your website. It allows the users to contact you via email, phone, etc. They can even use the CTA buttons to take orders from your clients.

Take Orders:

Some audiences may try to order via your social media messenger. In such cases, instead of ignoring their demands, make sure to take orders via the messengers. It will showcase your responsiveness and attentiveness towards your audience. Placing orders through social media platforms will be a trembling experience for you and your customers. 

Stories & Videos:

Social media is all about content and stories, whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any networking platform. In such a scenario, don’t forget to add eye-catching and appealing stories and videos on the most visited social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Stories can gather more audience on your platform and boost your sales hassle-free.



Have you ever broadcasted your restaurant’s cooking area and displayed how your chefs work? Well, if you didn’t, then it’s high time now to start uploading behind-the-scenes sessions. Adding such scenes will improvise an eye-catching reputation on your audience. It will show how clean and hygenic your work is in the kitchen. 

Cooking Tips:

Adding cooking tips to your social media profiles will help you build trust between you and your audience. Sharing videos of recipes and cooking tips will showcase how you value your customers. Either you can share YouTube videos or links to your videos which you can upload on YouTube. 

Top 03 Social Media Advertising Examples:

Pura Vida Miami:

Pura Vida Miami

To make their content look appealing and eye-catching, Pura Vida Miami shares food images with a simple and light background. It’s their social media advertising strategy to target audience for the same. 


Terenga is Harlem’s African Superfood restaurant which shares user-generated content. They even motivated their followers and customers during the Covid-19 pandemic by reposting the photos their customers shared with him during lockdown.

Jennifer Crawford: 

Jennifer Crawford

Masterchef Jennifer Crawford from Canada has more than 16k followers on Instagram. She believes sharing recipes and cooking tips will help her followers specialise more in their dishes.

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool

Final Words:

We hope our readers understand these social media advertising ideas which we shared for every restaurant owners. Through this, they can boost up their audience and increase their social media presence hassle-free. 

7 Most Trendy Food Hashtags

Instagram is the most trendy and cost-effective platform for marketers. Everyone loves to eat fabulous food and share pictures of food. Instagram provides the best platform for most users and photographers to share their photos using hashtags so that users can reach the targeted audience. Hashtags help you to get your audience to achieve their interest. 

Food hashtags are so trendy these days. Here are some kinds of trendy hashtags that Instagrammers can apply to reach relevant pages. This broad range of Instagram food hashtags will help you find the proper hashtags and the type of food you’re promoting.

Hashtags For Most Famous Food 

Hashtags For Most Famous Food

Because these hashtags are so famous and run by millions of Instagrammers, you can mistakingly miss adding the hashtags in the insta-noise. Food hashtags that make sense for your posting are the most appealing ones. These could be the ones that can receive the most attention. Some most famous hashtags are: 

#Foody #Foodies #FoodLover #FoodBlogger #InstaFood #FoodPics#FoodLovers #EatingForTheInsta #FoodLove #Food52 #FoodPornShare #FoodStyling #FoodBeast #FoodArt #FoodSpotting #FoodBlogFeed #FoodOfTheDay #foodies #restaurant #cooking #lunch 

Hashtags For Brunch

Brunch is a meal category that people have between 11:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. The ‘brunch’ trend has taken over Instagram! In foreign countries like the USA, Canada, and UK military provides brunch dining facilities on weekends. Some colleges and hostels also offer brunch in the meal. Here are some relevant Instagram hashtags for brunch food:

#BrunchLover #BrunchAndCake #BrunchTime #BrunchFood #Brunchin #BrunchLife #BrunchVibes #BrunchSoHard #GoForBrunch #LoveToBrunch #omelette #breakfast #toast #frenchtoast #toasts #sundaybrunch #brunchideas #weekendbrunch #brunchathome #brunchtime

Hashtags For Baking

Hashtags For Baking

Baking is a dry-heat method of food preparation as people prepare it in an oven or in hot ashes. Individuals can bake any baking food, but some require specific attention. A baker is a person who can bake dishes and make it a profession. On the other hand, a pastry chef is an expert in preparing pastries, sweets, and bread. These Instagram food hashtags really help you attract followers for your baking food Instagram profile. Some hashtags for baking are:

#BakingAddiction #BakingGoals #BakingDay #BakingBread #BakingIsFun #BakingClass #BakingHobby#Lovebaking #Instabake #Bakingathome #Lovetobake #Bakersofinstagram #Bakinglove #Bakingfromscratch #MorningBrunch #bakingisfun #bakersgonnabake #instabaking #lovebaking #instabake #bakingathome #lovetobake #bakersofinstagram #bakinglove #bakingfromscratch

Hashtags For Healthy Food

Healthy food is also a popular category on Instagram. There are so many users who look for healthy food similar to junk food in terms of taste and look. Use these healthy food hashtags to get to your targeted audience if you have healthy eating tips to share. Following is the list of healthy food hashtags:

#HealthyFoodies #FoodHealthy #HealthyFoodBlogger #HealthyFoodLove #HealthyFoodWithMe #HealthyFoodTips #HealthyFoodPrep #HealthyFoodie #HealthyFoodGuide #HealthyFoodInspo #HealthyFoodRecipe#kidapproved #veganpasta #plantbasedpasta #veganrecipes #mondayvibesthis #onecrazedfoodie #dinner #chicken #sweetpotato #hummus #brusselsproutslow #lowcalorie #lowcalorieicecream #chocolate #pancakecereal

Hashtags for Mexican food 

Hashtags for Mexican food

Mexican cuisine is the traditional form of cooking in the modern country of Mexico. This cuisine is also famous in particular regions of the USA and Canada. You can use these hashtags for Instagram if your food post is related to Mexican food.

#mexicanfoodlover #lunch #enchiladas #restaurant #foodies #quesadillas #texmex #homemade #foodgasm #tasty #margarita #love #healthyfood #cocinamexicana #foodiesofinstagram #breakfast #delivery #vegan #quesadilla #foodpics #tacosarelife #fajitas #yum #chicken #drinks #supportlocal #cocktails #seafood #streetfood #happyhour

Hashtags For Italian Food 

Simplicity is the most attractive factor of Italian food, and the process does not include any complex food preparation. The Italians are quite passionate about their meals and have creative foody skills. You can use these catchy hashtags for your Italian food photos.

#italianfoodsicilianità #il_pastaio_matto #italianpasta #piattiitaliani #primipiatti #italiankitchen #italianrestaurant #italianfood #sicilianfood #fooditaly#TopItalianFood #OfficialItalianFood #ItalianFoodLove #ItalianFoodForever #ItalianFoodAndWine #BestItalianFood #AuthenticItalianFood

Hashtags for Asian Food

Hashtags For Asian Food

Asian cuisine is a unique collection of cooking methods and customs. Asia is the world’s largest and most populous continent and is home to diverse cultures and distinct culinary traditions. Rice, garlic, ginger, chilies, seasome seeds, onions, and tofu are the commonly used ingredients in the South and East regions. Some hashtags for Asian food:-

#asianfoodlovers #asianfoodfestival #asianfoodisthebest #healthyasianfood #asianfoodninja #asianfoodlove #bestasianfood #asianfoodstory #authenticasianfood #asianfoodchanel #asianfoodbloggers #asianfoodstyle #asianfoodtrails #ketoasianfood #asianfoodshare #sickasianfood #malasianfood #asianfoodwars #asianfoodfest #asianfoodnetwork #asianfoodrocks 

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool


Food blog beginners and Instagrammers can use these Instagram food hashtags to share their food photos with interested followers and food bloggers. They can enhance their marketing strategies with the help of these trendy hashtags.

B2B Native Advertising: The Ultimate Guide 2022

Have you ever noticed the sudden pop-up ads breaking your trembling browsing experience on your screen? Yes, we knew it! These are different ad formats that target the audience by showing up on their screen to get clicks and conversions on the website. We name it Native Ads. 

What Is Native Advertising?

Native ads are an advertising format that pops up on the browser screen on a desktop or mobile that shows up on a platform having similar content. These are one of the most preferred advertising techniques to generate leads for their brand. The users can see this on any website and social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Even though it looks like content marketing, it isn’t one. B2B Native Advertising has been high in demand and is of numerous types:

Paid Social:

Paid Social

When the brand purchases ads for promoting their brands and displays them on social media platforms, like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, in the form of posts, they are most-appropriately the paid social native ads. Also, LinkedIn has the biggest source of B2B lead generation for marketers. 

Paid Search: 

You might not know this, but Google and Bing search results are an example of paid search native ads, having an effective organic reach to the brands and sponsors.

Paid Discovery:

Ads on discovery networks are one of the best examples of paid discovery ads. They appear on the discovery module with the other organic contents. 

Paid Posts: 

Paid Posts

Sponsored ads and content that looks like posts is the Paid posts’ native ads. They look informative but are an advertising tactic to grab the audience’s sight. 

Promoted Listings:

The products popping up on the eCommerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, etc., are the promoted listing and a part of native ads. The marketers pay the eCommerce websites to get listed on the top of their pages. 

Now, the significant part is:

How To Create The Best B2B Native Ads?

To host the most appealing B2B Native advertising, follow some of the most influential tips below:

The Environment:


The native ads you design should be as per the respective space. If you are posting on Facebook, make sure the format and design should be appropriate to the same. The same thing goes on for other platforms. A native ad with a matching style will leave an eye-catching impact on the viewers.

Let The Ad Be The Ad:

Even though you don’t need to make your ad look 100% promotional, make sure your ad looks like an ad. Most advertisers upload native ads just like content, but doing so will make it look like content. It may make your audience feel betrayed, and to avoid this, make it look like a native ad. 

Compelling Content:

Compelling Content

In the end, it’s all about what you post and how effective it looks. The ads you design and host for your brand should be compelling and unique enough to catch the audience’s sight. You can even narrate a story and share it with your customers to make it look different.

Target Audience:

Once you host native ads, the next thing to focus on is targeting the right audience. Make sure you are aware of what the audience actually demands from your brand. If you are moving towards organic reach, you can choose paid search ads or social listing to gather more traffic for your website. 

Overall, native ads are one of the best organic paid forms of advertising which turns out to be beneficial for online advertisers. Basically, the accurate specification for uploading native ads is 1200px x 627px and 600px x 600px, depending on the platform. 

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy: Best Facebook Ads Spy Tool

The Final Verdict:

We hope our readers understand how B2B native advertising is effective for the advertisers and what all aspects they can take care of to gather more traffic for their marketers.

Types Of Facebook Ads Which Every Marketer Should Know!

Advertising on Facebook has been one of the most exclusive steps to spread brand awareness. Marketers found it quite beneficial for their businesses. They can host ads for their brand in different styles and formats to catch the audience’s sight. But, some advertisers are unaware of the Facebook ads and their specifications. So, we are mentioning the same for our readers to spread more knowledge about the same: 

The types of Facebook ads are: 

Image Ads: 

Image ads look just like content and appear in the form of pictures. The users can create an image ad by boosting any existing posts from your Facebook page. The specifications of image ads are: 

  • Recommended image size: Minimum 1200 x 628 (1080 x 1080 for a 1:1 image). No maximum size restrictions
  • Image ratio: 9:16 to 16:9 (for no links), 1.9:1 to 1:1 (for links)
  • Images should not have more than 20% text
  • Image file types: .jpg or .png 
  • Text: 125 characters (for no links)
  • Headline: Maximum 25 characters 
  • Link Description: Maximum 30 characters

Video Ads: 

Video Ads

You can run video ads in Facebook News Feed & Stories. Video ads are more creative and can catch more traffic than image ads. Marketers don’t need to shoot an ad to create video ads. They can add animated GIFs and animations relevant to their brand. The ad dimensions are: 

  • File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 
  • Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only) 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Video captions: Optional but recommended
  • Video sound: Optional but recommended
  • Video duration: 1 second to 241 minutes
  • Headline: 40 characters 
  • Primary text: 125 characters 
  • Maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Minimum width: 120 pixels
  • Minimum height: 120 pixels

Carousel Ads: 


Carousel ad creation requires adding 10 images and videos to highlight your product specifications. You can even use such types of ads to mention the privileges of your brands. The Facebook carousel ad specs are: 

  • Image file type: JPG or PNG 
  • Video file type: MP4, MOV or GIF 
  • Ratio: 1:1 
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 
  • Primary text: 125 characters 
  • Headline: 40 characters 
  • Description: 20 characters 
  • Landing page URL: Required
  • Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10
  • Image maximum file size: 30 MB
  • Video maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes
  • Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Slideshow Ads: 

Slideshow Ads

One of the most elegant types of Facebook ads is slideshow ads. These ads are quite easy to create as the marketers have to pile up images, short video clips and GIFs to create a slideshow. It can load speedily on the internet even with a slow connection. The dimension to follow are: 

  • Number of images: Between 3 and 10
  • Pixels: 1280 X 720 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9, 1:1, or 2:3 (automatically crops to 1:1 if each image is a different size)
  • Duration: Maximum 15 seconds.
  • Video File type: MOV or MP4
  • Duration: Up to 15 seconds
  • Audio File types: WAV, MP3, M4A, FLAC and OGG formats

Collection Ads: 

Collection Ads

These ads are Facebook paid ads which are applicable only for mobiles. The advertisers can promote five images and videos, and the viewers can click to buy the specific product or service. The specifications of collection ads require:

  • Image size: 1200 pixels by 628 pixels
  • Image ratio: 1.9:1
  • File type: may be video or photo
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Text: 90 characters

Canvas Ads: 

Canvas Ads

Facebook Canvas ads are also known as instant experience ads. These ads appear on full screen and load 15 times faster than a normal mobile website. The specifications are:

  • Images: Your minimum image size is 400px wide and 150px high, and the maximum is 1080px wide. 
  • Text: You can add up to 500 words in each separate text component.
  • Video: Minimum of 720p, with 1.78:1 aspect ratio (that’s 750px wide by 1334px high) for full screen on mobiles.
  • Video File Type: .mp4 or .mov

Lead Ads: 

Lead ads basically work for mobiles. They are the perfect solution for collecting newsletters, signing up for trial, spreading information about the product, etc. The dimensions for Lead Ads are:

  • Audio File type: JPG or PNG
  • Image size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Primary text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Description: 30 characters
  • Video File type: MP4 or MOV
  • Length: up to 15 seconds
  • Aspect ratio: 4:5 (Video)

You can also watch: How To Find Best Performing Ads On Facebook Using PowerAdSpy

Wrapping Up:

We hope our readers understand the types of Facebook ads the marketers can use to spread brand awareness and generate leads for their business. 

05+ Tricky Reddit Marketing Tips!

Reddit is an entirely different community where people from around the world prefer it as a discussion forum to dive into their interests, hobbies, and passions. Marketers desire to use this medium to target the audience and generate awareness for their brands. Users submit texts, content, images, and links to get upvotes/downvotes from the members. 

When you choose social media marketing to enhance your brand, Reddit wouldn’t be your first choice. But, as per a recent survey, we found that Reddit is the fifth-most searched website in the US. So, today we will discuss how Reddit marketing works and what strategies to implement to make it the best:

#1 Be Real:


If you think that creating a fake profile on Reddit will make your repo look appealing, you are wrong! Always keep your profile genuine and up to date. Reddit has strict terms and conditions and blocks promotional profiles and posts within a fraction of seconds. The only way to use Reddit at its best is to build a tight community to gather the Redditors. 

#2 The Subreddits:

Subreddits are a surfeit of small communities of every niche, and these are termed as Subreddits. So, being a marketer, make sure to choose the Subreddits as per the relevant niche. It will help you generate better leads for your brand. The subreddits look like: r/politics, r/news, r/fashion, etc. Using popular and trendy subreddits will help you drive more traffic to your Reddit profile. Even r/askreddit is also one of the most famous Subreddit, where users prefer to post eye-catching posts for the Redditors. 

#3 Quality Content:

Quality Content

Content is the only thing that can catch the audience’s sight. So, it’s crucial to post high-quality content which is unique with zero plagiarism. Posting copied content on Reddit will make it spam and can affect your brand leading to an account ban. Creating fresh and insightful content will help marketers make Reddit marketing successful at any cost. 

#4 Avoid Spamming:

Spam is the biggest threat for online marketers, especially on Reddit. It is one of the most case-sensitive social media platforms, which can spam a profile with the slightest mistakes. For example, if you post content on Reddit back-to-back on a single day, Reddit may declare it as spam and delete your account immediately. Overall, marketers should post on Reddit more professionally and carefully. 

#5 Be Consistent:

If you are a marketer with high hopes, learn to be consistent on social media. To promote your content and rank it higher on SEO and social media, make sure to post at regular intervals without any negligence. The more constant you are, the easier it will be to succeed on Reddit. Stay active and respond on time to handle everything manually without any misses. 

#6 Reddit Ads:

Advertising is the most leisurely source to reach your audience. A marketer can post ads and host ad campaigns on every social media platform. So, they should definitely go for Reddit ads to gather more traffic on their website. Through the ads, they can spread awareness about the products/services they render. Overall, you can create an appealing reputation in the audience’s eyes. 

#7 Reddit Automation: 

Reddit Automation

Automation helps users to handle their social media profiles without any interference. Similarly, Reddit marketers can go for Reddit automation and relax. From posting the content to scheduling them in advance, the automation software manages everything without hassle. 

Now, let’s come to the most significant part, which is:

Is Reddit Marketing Beneficial?

Well, yes! Marketing on Reddit can be a big step for their brand, but they should be consistent and professional in managing their profile on Reddit. Here are some of the top benefits:

  • The users can spread awareness and generate more leads for their business. 
  • This social media platform will help the marketers join trending communities and become a member of the same.
  • The marketers can add links to their websites and attract traffic accordingly.
  • They can get real-time feedback for your profiles and check for upvotes and downvotes.
  • Reddit will help marketers to stay miles away from spam content and profiles.

You can also watch: PowerAdSpy Overview

Summing It Up:

We hope our readers have knowledge of how to strategize their Reddit marketing for their brand. We even mentioned some privileges they get from the same.